Page 11 - br-june-2021
P. 11

June 2021


                  caravanning  trip  to  Damage Barton in Devon,  where  she sat  in  the
                  sun  with  a smile on her  face;  happy  and  at  peace-where she
         belonged.  My parents were  there for  each other through the  difficult times,
         and  my  Mum  often said  of my  Dad  that  she could  not  have  gone  on to
         achieve what she did without him.
         My Mum was a brilliant Mum. She balanced being a mother with achieving 5
         educational qualifications,  and  pursuing  a career  in teaching and  then as  a
         priest.  She  managed  both  sides  simultaneously and  my  brother  and  I  never
         came second.  We  know that  my Mum  was  proud  of  us,  as we are of  her.  In
         partnership with my Dad, we were given a loving and happy childhood full of
         lovely memories,  including holidays,  Christmases,  birthdays,  and  my Mum’s
         signature coffee cake and apple crumble, which she made for us despite the
         fact that she couldn’t eat it herself, due to her diabetes. My mum was there for
         us in  difficult  times,  and  was a counsellor  as well  as  a mother in  such
         circumstances. She had also always wanted a daughter, and the love that she
         had  for us  was passed  on to  our  wives  Nicola and  Lisa when  they  joined  our
         family. My brother and I were raised in such a way that we were encouraged
         to pursue our own interests and be ourselves, whilst being instilled with a strong
         sense of right and wrong and independence, and not to take anything in life
         as a given or for granted. During this difficult time, my brother and I, along with
         my Dad,  have drawn  on the strength that  my  Mum  instilled  in  us,  which  has
         allowed us to meet the challenges of the past year with stoicism and resilience.
         Although we miss my Mum greatly, and wish she were here, we are still here as
         a family, and we owe this to her.
         My Mum was a proud Nanny. She was thrilled to become a grandmother, and
         shortly after her  grandson Harry was  born,  she  took  him  around  the village to
         show  everyone;  I  was always taken aback  by  how  everyone knew  Harry
         wherever  he went.  My Mum  went  all out  to  give  him  a great  time  whenever
         she  saw  him,  including his  first birthday,  for  which she  organised  a party  and
         baked his  cake,  and  would  spend  a lot  of time  and  effort knitting him  new
         items of clothing. She and Harry adored one another; and this endured into her
         final days.
         My Mum was a caring and loyal friend. She was there
         for  her friends  regardless of  circumstance,  and
         supported  them  through difficult times with  no
         judgement,  but  with love  and  encouragement.  She
         was  always willing to  listen,  and  offer  advice  where
         appropriate. My mum’s friends remember her as great
         fun;  from  the  happy  memories that  they  have of  her
         on   caravanning  holidays,  when  they  enjoyed

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