Page 17 - br-june-2021
P. 17

June 2021

        Coming  from  a family of  teachers,  I  have  always
        had  an interest in  education,  and  from  2016-2020,  I
        was  Chairman of  the  All Party  Parliamentary Group
        for  Youth  Employment.  This group looked  at  a
        variety of ways in helping young people into training
        and  employment.  My interest in education and
        helping people into employment continues, so I was
        delighted  by  the  plans announced  in the  Queen’s
        speech about  the Lifetime Skills Guarantee.  New
        laws will create a post-16 and adult education and
        training system that is fit for the future, providing the
        skills  that  people need  for  well-paid  jobs  and  opportunities  to train  throughout
        their lifetime.
        For veterans,  one way to  develop to further  their education might  be through
        the Open  University  (OU) Disabled  Veterans’ Scholarship Fund.  This fund
        provides scholarships  for  up to  50  disabled  veterans to  build  on their  unique
                                                         military  skills  and
                                                         e x p e r i e n c e s  b y
                                                         s t u d y i n g    a t
                                                         undergraduate      or
                                                         postgraduate level for
                                                         free.   The  OU   has
                                                         awarded    160   such
                                                         scholarships  so  far,
                                                         helping individuals from
        a variety of service backgrounds with a range of physical disabilities and mental
        health conditions.  Each  scholarship is  tailored  to  support disabled  veterans,
        injured during or due to their service, as they transition to civilian life, providing a
        free OU education and wraparound disability and careers service support.  The
        application  deadline  is midnight  on 9 th  July  2021 and  you can find  information
        online here:
        The Queen’s speech announced the Government’s new legislative program for
        this Parliament,  and  other measures  included  the plans  to  continue the  work  in
        establishing an advanced research agency. This work will build on the success of
        the vaccination program, to  lead  work  in life sciences,  and  conducting
        ambitious scientific  research.  This will  be  developed  through the  Advanced
        Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) Bill. This Bill started in the last Parliament,
        and  part of  my recent  work  has  been scrutinising the Bill line  by  line in the
        committee stages.  These committees are a  vital part  of  the  work  in  Parliament,
        as each Bill is thoroughly scrutinised and debated by a cross party group of MPs.
        The committee may call expert witnesses as part of the evidence gathering for

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