Page 19 - July2023
P. 19

July 2023                              July 2023


 In June we were entertained by David Bailey
 Wildlife Photographer.  David did not train as
 a  photographer  and  took  it  up  as  a  hobby
 where he could pursue his interests in Wildlife.
 It  was  through  this  and  meeting  up  with
 wildlife  photographers  he  took  up  his  craft.
 He  honed  his  skills  of  observing  animals  getting  in  the  right  position  being  very,
 very  patient;  he  has  amassed  a  collection  of  wildlife  pictures.    David  has  put
 together an excellent presentation of fabulous pictures, developed his speaking
 skills, printed books and cards and now works as a professional.

 I hope all those who came were delighted with the afternoon which was as usual
 followed by tea cakes and sandwiches
 L o o k i n g    a h e a d    o u r
    advertised  speaker  is  away
 and   the   replacement
 speaker  we  had  arranged  is
 unwell  At  the  last  minute  I
 have  arranged  for  Hilda
 Montgomery  to  show  us
 pictures and telling us tales of
 when  she  swam  with  the
 penguins  in  the  Galapagos
 islands a few years ago.  This
 is  a  colourful  and  interesting
 talk about another world
 In  August Ian Ventham is  giving  us  a talk about  the  trip  he  and Diana went  to
 India.    This  is  different  and  they  took  off  away  from  the  usual  tourist  India  and
 went  on  a  search  for  Diana’s  family  who  served  in  India.    This  will  be  a  very
 personal  travelogue  dealing  with  family  and  British  history  and  of  course  the
 experience of India

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