Page 23 - July2023
P. 23

July 2023                              July 2023
 Maltese Magic      and keeping up with regular surgeries and visits. If you are holding an event and
       would like me to come along, please do send me an email – I’d love to hear from
 Come to Valetta,   you. If you want to hear more about what I’ve been doing both here in Dorset
       and  in  Westminster,  you  can  sign  up  for  my  email  newsletter  on  my  website.
 Come  join  the  throng
 of   happy   people
 walking the streets,   If  you  need  to  get  in  touch,  you  can  contact  me  via  email
 Come to Valetta when or call my office on 01202 624216.
 your   day’s   work   is
 Walk  down  the  strand
 and  see  the  shops
 ablaze with flowers;
 Mingle with folk living in
 the isle of sun –
 Magic of Malta.

 Come now to Sliema,                    LOCAL MEMBER OF
 Sit by the harbour wall and watch the boats in the creek.   Michael Tomlinson MP
          holds regular surgeries
 Sip your wine at a pavement café -   in the constituency.  For   PARLIAMENT
 Order cheesecake to eat under the trees, with folk walking by,   details of forthcoming
 Happy, smiling and bright –   surgeries or to make an
 Magic of Malta.   appointment, please   
                                     01202 624216
 Some come by boat, some come by plane –   contact his office.
 It doesn’t matter how you get here.   
 You must come, and come very soon –
 Your troubles you’ll forget here.

 Come now to a little harbour,
 Where the gaily painted boats go out fishing.   Did you Know?
 Take a trip to a grotto - so intensely blue.   Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month
 Go to a roadhouse for a meal with friends –   if you live within the parishes?
 By now the magic of Malta will have captured you –
 Magic of Malta.   We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
          delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you
 Eileen Richardson   would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included
                                on one of these rounds.
                 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
                  or  01929 471780

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