Page 21 - July2023
P. 21

July 2023                              July 2023

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS


       What’s on at Bere Heath Methodist Church
       in July

       By the time you read the Parish magazine we will have
       several weeks of good weather. Some will have enjoyed
       it but for others it will have been  exhausting. However God’s creation has looked
       absolutely marvellous.
         Sunday  2  July    -  Monthly Service  at 2pm led by  Rev Ruth  Lownsbrough
       who is one of our Minister’s in our Circuit .Tea/Coffee /cold drinks & biscuits  after
       the Service .
          6  Sunday August – Monthly  service led by our  Minister Rev John Yarrien  who
       has  been  on  sabbatical    Holy  Communion  will  be  celebrated  at  the  service.
       Refreshments  afterwards .  All our Welcome to come to our services and Events
       that we hold.

         Saturday 22  July      - Craft and Kids – 2.30
       --3.45pm    .An  afternoon  for  children  and
       their  Parents/Carer  to  come  along  and
       have  some  creative  fun  (and  messy  fun  )  .
       You do not have to be creative. Drinks and
       food  during  the  session.  Why  not  come
       along, give it a try. (Parents can have a go
       too or just drink coffee)
         Please  do  tell  your  friends  who  have
       children.  Again all our welcome.
         All keep safe and be careful in the Sun. Hats could be the order of the day.
          With  best wishes from All at Bere Heath Methodist Church .

        Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.

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