Page 24 - July2023
P. 24

July 2023                                                                           July 2023

                                                                                            POETRY                                 Summer’s Dream
                                                                                            CORNER                                   Sun to shine

                                                                                                                                   Summer’s sign
                                                                                            The Rimsmoor Pond                      Scented pine
                                                                                            Monster                                Life is fine.

                                                                                            Loch Ness may have a monster             Clouds appear
                                                                                            as certain fellows state               Rain I fear!
                                                                                            but here in quiet Dorset,              Change is here
                                                                                            there's a rumour that I'll relate      Time to disappear.
                                                                                            about our own great monster,
                                                                                            I'll tell you, if you wait.            No need to cower –
                                                                                                                                   Only a shower
                                                                                            Out on the boggy heath,                To quench the flower
                                                                                            a place of which I'm fond,             Gone in an hour.
                                                                                            they say there is a monster
                                                                                            that swims in Rimsmoor Pond.           Sunshine’s beam
                                                                                            Are such rumours really true           Wet paths gleam
                                                                                            or have we just been conned?           Nature’s scheme
                                                                                                                                   Summer’s dream.
                                                                                            On moonlit summer nights,
                                                                                            when dragonflies are still,                             Eileen Richardson
                                                                                            a gentle splashing noise
                                                                                            may mask the nightjar trill
                                                                                            when  a  great  back  breaks
                                                                                            the surface
                                                                                            of the pond beyond the hill.

                                                                                            Who can say what creature
                                                                                            lurks within that pool?
                                                                                            Does   it   have   benign
                                                                                            not malicious, as a rule,
                                                                                            or is it fierce, unfriendly,
                                                                                            so  dangerous  and  very

                                                                                                                  Chris Nother

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