Page 15 - July2023
P. 15

July 2023                              July 2023


       … a time to keep silence, and a time to speak

       There  are  some  months  with five  Sundays.  July  is  going to be  one  of  them.  This
       gives us the opportunity to worship all together in one of our benefice churches.
       Opportunity is the wrong word – excuse is a better word. Some people love to get
       out  and  go  somewhere  different,  whereas  some  folk  have  difficulty  getting  to
       their own church, never mind someone else’s church. So, are you driving there?
       Do you have a spare seat? Do you know anyone who would appreciate a lift?
       Where is there? Just see further on in this magazine and all the church services are
       set out in a matrix.
       But there is a lot more different in our benefice, and in our parishes. For instance,
       in June I conducted a service. This was one of the new “Morning Praise” services.
       Many of the congregation have commented that we don’t need a communion
       service every week so, if we had a simple BCP/Morning Praise more people may
       be  attracted  to  come  to  the  morning  service.  It  was  a  challenge  because,
       instead of the “Sermon” slot, I was invited to host a discussion time. Well, it worked
       rather  well.  Several  of  the  congregation  had  no  difficulty  in  offering  arguments
       about the main topic, and that inspired other folk to offer their comments. One of
       the main conclusions was that I was somewhat mistaken by suggesting that the
       church, St Laurence, Affpuddle, was crucial to inviting the Lord to dwell amongst
       us.  In  fact,  our  relationship  with  the  Lord  is  good  outside  the  church  in  the
       community  centres  –  in  the  shop,  in  the  street,  in  the  village  hall,  and  in
       everyone’s house. I very much agree with this, I chat with the Lord whilst driving
       along,  whilst  doing  the  housework,  whilst  getting  ready  for  bed.  Despite  the
       massive number of people that must be chatting with the Lord at any moment in
       time, he can still respond to my needs – do you recognise or appreciate the voice
       of the Lord?
       There  are  some  people  who  are  uncomfortable  with  church  procedures  yet,
       nevertheless, they know where they stand between right & wrong, between good
       and  evil.  So,  we  should  search  for  common  ground.  If  someone  doesn’t  like
       hymns, or someone doesn’t like kneeling for prayer, or doesn’t like formal liturgy, -
       no problem. The Lord will appreciate your conversation in any form you like. The
       Lord God wants your conversation in whichever way you like. So, if you are not
       comfortable attending church, then talk to the Lord some other way. He will be
       quite   happy    to   talk   with   you   any   which   way   you   like.
       And we also had a “Soul Space” service in Affpuddle last month. This gave us an
       opportunity to meditate, to contemplate, to listen to the Lord, … a time to keep
       silence …
                                    Mike Menzies
            Church Warden,   Lay Worship Leader,    St Laurence Church, Affpuddle

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