Page 19 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 19

January 2021                         January 2021

    Emile and Sean were soon chasing after this old   part of the 5G Rural Dorset project, a £6.675 million initiative which aims to assist
 boy  and  were  off  swimming  around  the   rural communities in benefiting from next generation mobile connectivity.
 circumference of the large bay. Emile was soon
 with  me  and  swimming  side  by  side.  We   The  SCM  buoys  will  measure  sea  state,  including  tidal  current,  temperature  and
 stopped a little while for Sean to catch up and   wave height data, and communicate the information via 5G to project partners.
 generally  tried  to  stick  together.  Sean  is  a   The information will be displayed on the connected digital signage which will be
 relatively   recent   recruit   to   open   water   installed  at  busy  locations  on  the  Jurassic  Coast  and  will  be  available  via  a
 swimming.  We  had  been  swimming  in  the   published  feed,  available  to  the  general  public,  and  accessible  by  the
 Dorchester Leisure Centre Pool during the winter   emergency services to support their operations.  This is a very exciting project and
 for  some  while  and  a  couple  of  years  ago  we   when  fully  working  will  help  the  emergency  services  prevent  incidents  and
 persuaded him to come and join us. He loved it!   improve  coastal  public  safety  in  what  is  a  beautiful  but  potentially  dangerous
       environment.  I am pleased to be leading on this project.
 We  ploughed  on  through  the  murky  water

 through the odd bit of kelp and taking care to
 avoid some rocks lurking just under the surface of the water.  Sometimes when we   Surgery
 swim here, the water is crystal clear and you can see the little fish darting hither
 and thither. However, not today. We had been swimming for around 20 minutes   We  are  not  holding  face  to  face  meetings  until  we  are  clear  to  do  so  under
 when we got to the steps leading up out of the cove to the grassy hill above. “It   government  guidelines.  However,  we  would  be  delighted  to  talk  to  you.  Please
 looks good, are we going for it?” I asked the others. “Yes, let’s” they replied.   ring or email us with the subject matter so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s
       email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is
 So off we set for Stair Hole.  We had first to pick our way around the substantial  telephone 07814 569563.
 bank of seaweed on the outer edge of the cove. The weather was almost perfect
 and the sea flat in the cove but I am always filled with a slight sense of adventure   Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 when  we  do  this  swim.  Outside  the  cove  and  in  open  water,  conditions  can
 change quite dramatically and there have been times when I have likened it to
 trying to swim in a washing machine.
 Today, the weather was fine and the sea was flat calm (well, almost!). We eased   Dorset Property Care
 our way out of the rocky entrance to the cove and swam a while across its jaw to   Allan Slater
 the headland on the other side. Time to re-group, we decided to continue our   Based in Briantspuddle
 swim  and  after  another  400/500metres,  Stair  Hole  in  all  its  glory  lay  before  us.  I   
 guess you would describe it as a smaller version of Durdle Door, another fabulous   Services
 location  along  the  Jurassic  Coast.  However  it  has  its  own  majesty  with  its      Building maintenance
 cathedral-like arch of rocks. Swimming through it is one of life’s experiences. It is      General joinery
 always a magical moment.
              Garden maintenance
 We  stopped  a  while  in  the  small  pool  of      Garden landscaping
 water  inside  and  as  Stair  Hole  has  two
 entrances, we decided to exit through the      Kitchens
 smaller  one.  There  is  a  connecting  tunnel      Man and digger hire
 between  to  the  two  entrances  and
 depending on the state of the tide you can   07973 158092
 swim  between  them.  I  have  done  it  a

 couple of times but if you are like me, a bit
 claustrophobic, it is really quite scary.
 Soon  we  were  in  open  water  again  and

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