Page 14 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 14

January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                 White Christmas?                      His winter clothes are ready.
                                                                                                                                 His woolly scarf and hat
                                                                                           His head is in the clouds.            Are waiting in the wardrobe.
       Dorset Pension Fund
                                                                                           That is where he is today.            His mum has seen to that.
       I am proud to be the Vice Chair of the                                              All he really wants to be,            It will only take a moment,
       Dorset  Pension  Fund  which  looks  after                                          Is going out to play.                 To mobilise the gear.
       the  interest  of  a  variety  of  County                                                                                 It’s ready and it’s waiting,
       pension fund members and is doing well                                              With the weather on his side,         For the first flake to appear.
       despite the economic uncertainty. Both                                              There are things he wants to do.
       unitary  councils  in  the  county  are                                             He’ll be looking at the window
       members along with many other public                                                As the sun comes shining through         Paul J Openshaw (December 2020)
       sector  organisations  including  schools
       and  universities,  Tricuro  and  some
                                                                                           He’s dreaming of a white Christmas,
       housing associations.
                                                                                           Just like the ones we used to know.
       The estimated  value of the pension fund’s assets at the end of September 2020      He’s sitting on the sledge he got from
       was £3,045M compared to £2,696M at the start of the financial year.  Since April    Santa.
       2020 we have seen a significant recovery from previous lows, but the outlook is still   He is hoping that tomorrow it will snow.
       very  uncertain,  and  we  anticipate  more  volatility  over  the  remainder  of  this
       financial year, Figures before a recent meeting of the board show almost 74,000
       local people either paying into, or being paid out of the fund.                     It doesn’t seem quite right,
                                                                                           He does not know where to start.

                                                                                           Where does a boy begin?
       Who Cares for the carers?                                                           It is tearing him apart.
       Do you regularly support an adult, or care for someone with daily tasks, a loved    Things could be much better,
       one or a friend?  You may or may not identify yourself as a carer, but the caring   With an icicle or two,
       you  do  entitles  you  to  information,  advice  and  support.  It  is  very  important  that   He wants to see some heavy clouds,
       when you're caring for someone that you look after yourself too. This is particularly   Drift out across the blue.
       so  now  that  some  people  are  increasing  the  amount  of  unpaid  care  they
       provide.  Caring can be very rewarding, but without the right support it can have
       a negative impact on your health, career, finances and relationships.  You may
       have  found  that  your  caring  role  has  become  more  challenging  due  to  the
       Coronavirus  pandemic  (Covid-19),  or  you  may  have  taken  on  new  caring
       responsibilities.  Support is available from a wide range of organisations.
       If you don’t have family, friends or a support network that can help you get the
       things  you  need  -  we  can  help  you.  Let  us  know  the  support  you  need  by
       completing our online form on the Dorset Council website. There is a helpline for
       vulnerable people in need of vital support in the Dorset Council area 01305 221000
       8 . 3 0 a m    t o    5 p m ,    M o n d a y    t o    F r i d a y ,    o r    e m a i l The Dorset Council website also has up
       to date Covid-19 information:

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