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P. 21

January 2021                         January 2021

 he loved to talk about his family and my favourite story is as follows. It concerns   Christmas Hampers
 himself  and  his  wife.  On  a  Friday  evening  they  would  both  travel  six  miles  to  a
 neighbouring village, she to the village hall for bingo and he to the pub opposite   The council acknowledged with gratitude the very generous donations made by
 for “a wee dram”. One very cold and very wet evening, Jock came out of the   Peter  Andrews  of  Andrews  Plant  Hire  and  Haulage  and  by  Distgen,  which  will
       enable  Christmas  gifts  to  be  distributed  to  many  of  our  elderly  and  isolated
 pub  at  closing  time,  the  doors  were  locked  behind  him  and  everyone
 disappeared home. He got into his old car to find his rather wet wife sitting in the   residents.  Very  grateful  thanks  are  due  to  Councillors  Brenda  House  and  Philip
 passenger seat. He turned the key but nothing happened the pub was locked   Morgan for their hard work on this initiative.
 and they needed a push. Since there was no one else about and his wife Betty   Bryan Benjafield
 was  not  able  to  drive,  she  had  to  get  out  and  push.  In  the  pouring  rain  they
 managed to start the car and off home they went.
 0n the lane just before their home there was a gate across, because there were
 cattle  grazing  in  the  field  down  which  they  travelled.  Jock  stopped  and   RYE HILL SPEED WATCH  -  VOLUNTEERS
 expecting Betty to get out and open the gate but she didn’t. Jock looked across
 to see why she hadn’t and saw she wasn’t there! He had driven home, leaving   NEEDED
 her in the pouring rain in the pub car park. By the time he had reversed up and
 got back to the pub in the pouring rain, she had been standing there for more   As reported in the Parish Council’s article, we had a useful meeting last month.  I
 than forty minutes. She was furious. However he told the story to me many years   would like to thank all those for supporting the petition to call for the speed to be
 after her death with great humour.   reduced on the C6 through the village and, to date, 192 people have signed.
 He was a likeable old rogue, a man of simple needs. A man appreciative of what   Peter Wharf has kindly agreed to take this
 he  had,  as  were  others  who  took  advantage  of  his  good  nature  but  all  in  all,      along  with  the  14  letters  of  concern  to
 when it was time to go, he was ready and looked forward to a well earned rest.   the  Highways  Department  at  Dorset
 To have known him as a younger man was a privilege I had missed; despite the   Council.
 fact that he described me to another neighbour as the ‘Old Man’ over the road.
 (He was only thirty years my senior.)  He was a proud man, proud of what he had   As part of a staged approach our group
                                           is  setting  up  a  Speed  Watch  and  our
 achieved.  A  man  of the countryside, with very good tastes, for example lamb,   thanks to  Angie and Ian  Wright who are
 trout, venison and pheasant ---- I rest my case.
                                           taking the lead.
 It is wonderful when I look back at the characters I have known in my lifetime, in
                                           We will need a small team so if you feel
 the countryside both here and in Southern Ireland.
                                           strongly about the speeding on this road
 Let us get back to the present here in Turnerspuddle, where currently it is very wet   and are willing to help us by helping to monitor the speeds of traffic, please do get
 and  green  and  where  flowers  are  blooming  and  the  grass  very  green  and  still   in  touch  with  them  to  volunteer  your  help.  Telephone  01929  471734  or  email
 growing. My editor has just been through the article and I am about to send it off.
 A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to You All and may God Bless you.           Alison Bennett
                                                                              Ted Cox

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