Page 17 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 17

January 2021                         January 2021
 I am a retired geologist.  We visit family in Bere Regis almost monthly when we can
 and enjoy walks in your very special countryside. During recent visits I have started   Foster Carers
 to think about the landscape and its evolution on geological timescales. A lot can   Dorset Council is joining forces with other local authorities across the south west
 be learnt by researching published geological maps and reports.  In outline, the   region to call for more people to consider becoming foster carers. According to
 story starts 75 million years ago in a deep warm clear sea, it encompasses gentle   The Fostering Network, there are 6,140 children in care in the south west and 2,650
 tectonic uplift, younger river deposits and the effects of ice-age meltwater erosion   fostering households, with many more needed. Local authorities from Dorset, Bath
 and climate change.
       and  North  East  Somerset,  Cornwall,  Devon,  Gloucestershire,  North  Somerset,
 Please would readers put me in touch with any local people working in this area   Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire have all come together to
 of  interest.    I  would  be  happy  to  share  my  findings  -  and,  if  appropriate,  help   run the latest campaign.
 people access and understand the often-archaic world of geological terms and   They are calling for those in the region with space in their home and their lives to
 maps. Perhaps we could work together on resources for the village web page? –   consider fostering for their council. There is a huge need to raise awareness of the
 or produce occasional articles for the magazine? Maybe when times are better,   need for more foster carers across our region. This campaign will help people to
 we could arrange for a talk – or even a walk?  Do let me know.
       understand that when you foster for your local council you are part of a service
 Jim Marshall ( ,  tel – 0757 060 5659)   that is not for profit and where every penny is spent on providing a good service
       to the children and their foster carers. We are so grateful to all our foster carers.
       They  make  a  real  difference  to  the  lives  of  children  in  our  county.  If  you  are
       interested  in  fostering,  you  need  to  be  aged  21  or  over  and  have  a  spare
 POETRY CORNER   bedroom.  Find out more by visiting or call 01305 225568.

 Music is magic   Getting help this winter
 Music is magic when you sing with me
       Dorset  Council  and  partners  in  the  community
 Music is magic in love’s rhapsody   response  to  COVID-19  are  working  together
 Music is magic that comes from your
 heart   We shall be happy all life long   t o    o f f e r    h e l p    a n d    s u p p o r t
       to  struggling  residents  this  winter.  Efforts
 Music is magic that makes the day   ‘cos we have our love and the magic   are focused on supporting families with children,
 start   of song.   people  in financial difficulties and those facing
       loneliness  and  isolation  over  the  festive
 You will be happy all the day long
       season.      The   aim   is   to   make   sure
 Eileen Richardson
 If you have the magic of song.   v u l n e r a b l e    p e o p l e    h a v e    a c c e s s
       to   food   and   warm   clothing   for   their

       children, and someone they can talk to if they
 Melody is magic makes every day fine   need to.
 Melody is magic with you all the time   People  experiencing  financial  difficulties  are
       urged to seek help by calling the Dorset Citizens
 You will find beauty in all that you see
       Adviceline  on  Freephone  0800  144  8848  or
 If you have the magic of melody.   textphone  0800  144  8884.  By  calling  the
       Adviceline, anyone struggling to pay their rent,

       mortgage,  debts  or  other  bills  can  access  free
 When trees drop their leaves of gold   expert help and advice and secure a referral to a local foodbank or community
       food  initiative  if  needed.  Comprehensive  information  to  help  people  find
 We know Autumn is here
       support is also available online at
 But if you sing all through Winter
       Anyone  staying  at  home  because  of  COVID-19  without  the  support  of  family,
 Spring is really quite near.

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