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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       new arrangement with Age UK in Dorset who are now referring its users who need
       help  with  any  IT  issues  to  the  free  Hotline.  The  Dorset  Digital  Hotline  on  01305   You can’t have the sunshine
       221048 is open every weekday from 10am to 12 noon  The Hotline is manned by a
       team  of  volunteer  Digital  Champions,  who  can  help  anyone  in  Dorset  with   You can’t have the sunshine unless you have the rain
       computer,  tablet and smartphone queries, including helping people  get online       You can’t have your happiness without a little pain
       for the first time.                                                                  You can’t have the moon every night in the sky
                                                                                            Sometimes it’s hidden by clouds passing by.
       Accessing  online  services  has  never  been  more

       important and our Digital Champions are using their                                  You can’t have the Summer until you’ve had the Spring
       expertise to help people overcome any barriers that
       are  preventing  them  from  fully  joining  the  digital                            Then comes the Autumn, golden leaves that she will bring
       world. The Digital Champions can help with a wide                                    You can’t have the Winter with only Christmas snow
       range of enquiries that come through to the hotline,                                 You must have some days when the cold winds blow.
       including: setting up video calls such as Skype and
       Facetime to keep in contact with friends and family,                                 You just cannot separate anything in life
       providing  help  to  get  online  for  grocery  shopping,                            If you want to have the good things you’ve got to have the strife
       setting  up  and  using  new  devices,  support  for  all                            You just can’t separate the good things from the bad
       digital  NHS  services  and  e-Consult  and  the  use  all                           If you want to have your happiness sometimes you must be sad.
       digital appliances and problems solving.
                                                                                            You can’t have a happy heart until it’s filled with love
       Dorset  Council  is  also  teaming  up  with  an  organisation  called  “Everyone
       Connected” to identify people who were previously shielding and would benefit        To be really happy with a blessing from above
       from receiving free tablets. Also, our Dorset Council’s Digital Champion volunteers   And sometime in life we all have to find
       are giving training via the Digital Hotline on how to use the tablet,                We must have love and peace for all mankind.

                                                                                            You can’t have a happy heart until it’s filled with love
       Planning Services Systems                                                            To reach the highest summit that Man is worthy of
                                                                                            And sometime in life Man has to prove his worth
       We  are  currently  undertaking  a  major  project  to  transform  and  converge  the
       previous 6 systems into one system. The first phase was to transfer information from   And share this lovely planet with all living things on Earth.
       the former North Dorset District Council, and this has now been completed. Data
       from West Dorset will be transferred in January, followed by the remaining legacy    The forests and rivers, the mountains and seas
       council systems. The new system should be up and running later this year and will    The whale and the dolphin, we can’t do as we please
       provide a consistent and much improved system. More in later reports.                We must save the elephant and the birds in the tree
                                                                                            Every plant and tree must survive like you and me.

       Dorset Libraries and Tourist Information centres (TICs)                              We must learn to settle for just a simple life
                                                                                            If we go on taking there’s misery and strife
       All 23 Dorset Council libraries opened from Wednesday 2 December along with
       the three TICs. They will remain open although currently the hours are restricted,   We must save our oceans and keep our rivers clean
       and this is all dependent upon the latest government guidelines and legislation.     We must save our forests and keep this planet green.

                                                                                                                                            Eileen Richardson
       Dorset Council Local Plan
       Below  is  a  link  to  the  recent  report  identifying  the  status  of  the  Dorset  Council
       Local   Plan.

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