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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       friends  or  neighbours  can  request  help  from  the  Dorset  Together  team.  Support   making our way to the jaws of the cove. Turning left we stopped a while at the
       includes food shopping and delivery, collection of prescriptions, dog walking and   entrance. Boats large and small lay at anchor in the cove. They positively sparkled
       befriending.  Help can be accessed via our online form or by calling the Dorset     in the early morning sun.  As we got closer, we could see the sailors getting their
       Together helpline on 01305 221000, 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. People with     craft ready for the day.
       queries  about  getting  online  or improving  online  skills can  call  the  Dorset Digital
       Hotline  on 01305  221048,  Monday  to  Friday  from  10am  –  noon.  Outside  of  those   We swam to Sailfish, climbed aboard and Jo
       times you can leave a message and a Digital Champion will get back to you.          made us a lovely cup of tea. It is a beautiful
                                                                                           boat  and  I  could  imagine  myself  sipping

                                                                                           champagne  onboard  a  luxury  yacht  in  the
       Avian influenza precautions from December 14                                        South of France. Valentine said: “We were at
                                                                                           Mute  Bay  last  night  and  caught  some
       From the 14 December all poultry and captive birds must be housed under new         whitebait  for  supper.”    Apparently  the
       rules issued by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). Due to the increase in   whitebait  had  been  chased  into  shore  by  a
       cases of Avian Influenza (bird flu) found in both wild birds and commercial poultry   giant shoal of mackerel and 30 or 40 of them
       flocks these additional rules have been brought in to prevent further spread of the   had  landed  on  the  beach.    Emile  and  the
       disease. This follows the Avian Influenza Protection Zone (AIPZ) that was introduced   boys  had  put  the  few  who  were  still  alive
       by  APHA  in  November.  For  more  advice  and  regular  updates  on  the  latest   back  in  the  water  (Ha,  the  old  softie...)  and
       situation, visit Government’s avian flu pages. Poultry and captive bird keepers and   cooked the rest for a delicious meal.
       members  of  the  public  should  report  dead  wild  birds  to  the  Defra  helpline  on
       03459 33 55 77 (option 7), and keepers should report suspicion of disease to APHA   It  was  time  to  swim  ashore  and  prepare  for
       on 03000 200 301.                                                                   the rest of the day. Swimming with good friends in a cathedral of natural beauty, it
                                                                                           really doesn’t get any better...

                                                                                                                                                         Bob Holman
       Car Parking Charges
       Following  extensive  discussion  by  Councillors,  Dorset  Council  has  revised  the   LOCAL GEOLOGY AND LANDSCAPE HISTORY
       proposed  changes  to  car  parking  arrangements.  After  notice  was  provided  to
       Town  and  Parish  Councils  of  the  proposed  changes  in  October,  many  people   – ANY INTEREST?
       voiced their concerns, especially considering the current financial pressures faced
       by  businesses  and  regarding  the  introduction  of  charges  up  until  8pm.  The
       recommendations remain, as they were revised, in force in Weymouth                  Dorset is known for its world-famous Jurassic Coast but many people  know little
                                                                                           about  the  role  of  younger  deposits  and  geological  processes  that  shape  the
       The  recommendation  for  the  Implementation  of  Sunday  charging  also  stays  as   countryside around Bere Regis.
       before, but Town and Parish Councils can ask for free days for special events. The
       Extension  of  morning  charges  in  Purbeck  to  begin  at  8am  stays  as  was                                              The  village  lies  at  the  boundary
       recommended.  The  recommendation  to  extend  evening  charges  to  8pm  has                                                 between  two  very  different
       been withdrawn.                                                                                                               landscapes.  To  the  north,  lie
                                                                                                                                     rolling hills, open fields, chalky soils

                                                                                                                                     with  flints  and  arable  farming.  To
       5G Project - new 5G buoys                                                                                                     the  south,  a  flat-topped  hill,  with
                                                                                                                                     flint-rich  gravel  deposits,  whose
       Dorset  Council  has  announced  the                                                                                          slopes are cut by ancient, incised
       signing of a contract with JET Engineering                                                                                    trackways  (holloways?).  Here,
       System  Solutions  Ltd  and  Excelerare                                                                                       sandy   soils   support  mixed
       Technology  Limited  to  deliver  a  network                                                                                  woodlands  and  gorse:  smaller
       of Surf Condition Monitoring  (SCM) buoys                                                                                     fields host beef cattle and horses.
       to the Lulworth Estate coastline. The trial is

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