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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                      LULWORTH COVE AND STAIR HOLE

        BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                           I  love  summer  weekends  as  I  get  up  with  the  lark  and  prepare  for  my  early
                                                                                            morning  swims.    My  great  swimming  friend  Emile  had  emailed  to  say  he  was
                                                                                            taking his boat Sailfish out and would I like to come for a swim in Lulworth Cove –
       Chairman:         Ian Ventham      471480
                                                                                            a huge treat for wild swimmers.  I was in the car by 7.30am and on my way to
                                                                                            pick  up  another  of  our  Whatsapp  swimming  group  members  Sean  at  the  Red
       Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969        Lion at Winfrith Newburgh.  The sun was an earlier riser and had been glistening in
                                          770890                                            a bright blue sky for some time now.

       Parish Clerk:     Amanda           01935                     Having parked up we made the short walk to the Cove. For those of you who
                         Crocker          83454                                             have never been to Lulworth Cove it is one of those places that capture your
                                                                                            imagination.  It  is  a  vast  expanse  of  water  enclosed  by  a  cascade  of  multi-
        Websites:                                   coloured rocks and grassy hilltops on all sides bar its mouth.  It never fails to lift my
                                                                                            spirits and I am always left in awe at its staggering beauty.
                                                                                                                                      Sailfish  was  moored  a  short
                                                                                                                                      distance  from  shore  and  Emile
        The Parish Council met remotely via Zoom on Thursday 10  December 2020. The                                                   gave a friendly wave. The family
        next meeting will be on Thursday 14  January 2021, again remotely. If you wish to                                             was there with his wife and sons,
        join the meeting, or wish to send in a question to be read out, please contact the                                            Jo, Valentine and Oscar looking
        clerk beforehand.
                                                                                                                                      busy on the boat. It was time to
                                                                                                                                      change  and  get  ready  for  our
                                                                                                                                      swim.  Costume,  hat,  goggles
        Update on Rye Hill Speed Problem
                                                                                                                                      and wetsuit on, we stacked our
        Alison  Bennett’s  petition  had  been  handed  to  Dorset  Council.  The  Speed                                              swim  bags  by  the  beachside
        Indicator  Device  (SID)  has  arrived  and  we  are  awaiting  the  installation  of  the                                    café  ready  for  Emile  to  swim
        posts. We understand the Community Speed Watch team (CSW) can be trained,                                                     ashore  to  join  us.  He  was  non-
        but cannot be operational before mid-January. If you would like to volunteer for
        the CSW, please contact Angie Wright at                 wetsuit  and  there  was  a  time  when  I  would
                                                                                            have  joined  him  but  I  am  such  a  wimp  these

                                                                                            days! Also, the one small downside of swimming
        Planning Applications                                                               at  Lulworth  is  there  is  a  small  stream  that
                                                                                            empties  itself  into  the  cove,    lowering  the
        The planning application for change of use of agricultural buildings to 4 dwellings   temperature of the water by a degree or two.
        and  associated  building  operations  at  Yearlings  Poultry  Farm,  Bere  Regis  was
        discussed.  This  application  has  been  submitted  under  Permitted  Development   The beach is pebbled and uneven. Negotiating
        Rights,  which  means  the  building  can  be  converted  but  any  development     this surface can be a little challenging and I am
        cannot extend beyond the existing curtilage.                                        always very careful as I descend to the water’s
                                                                                            edge. This time was no different and as soon as I
        The  Parish  Council  recommended  no  objections,  but  commented  that  if  this   had  enough  water  I  flung  myself  forward  and
        application  had  had  to  follow  normal  planning  guidelines  it  would  have  been   lunged into the sea- wonderful! The exhilaration
        unlikely to be passed.                                                              I experience every time is so difficult to put into
                                                                                            words, it is just brilliant!

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