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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION                                                         LOCKDOWN STORIES

       Bere  Regis  residents  have                                                         The New Year Over the Hill
       so far nominated thirty-five                                                         Again  I  am  making  a  new  start  to  this  article  having  lost  my  original  attempt.
       p e o p l e ,    p a r t n e r s ,                                                   Never  the  less  it  is  wonderful  to  be  a  countryman  and  be  living  amongst  such
       businesses  or  groups  to                                                           wonderful people. Before living in Turnerspuddle, Madge and I lived on the edge
       receive   Certificates   of                                                          of  the  Cranborne  Chase,  in  the  little  hamlet  of  Woodcutts.  Our  next  door
       A p p r e c i a t i o n    i n                                                                                                    neighbour  but  one  was  a
       recognition  of  the  huge                                                                                                        lady well into her eighties Her
       contribution   they   have                                                                                                        name was  Win and she had
       made  to  our  community                                                                                                          lived there all her life. In fact
       during these difficult times.                                                                                                     the  house  was  built  just
       Efforts  have  varied  from                                                                                                       before  her  birth.  Her  father
       stepping  up  to  help  neighbours,  or  altering  how  businesses  were run  to  spotting                                        worked  for  the  Pitt  Rivers’
       where help was needed, and providing it.                                                                                          estate  he  and  her  mother
                                                                                                                                         had  moved  from  an  old
       Two  more  people  have  been  nominated  and  we  are  delighted  to  add  their
       names  to  the  list  of  people  we  will  honour  as  soon  as  we  are  able  to  meet                                         property  at  the  end  of  her
       together to do so:                                                                                                                existing  garden  that  the  Pitt
                                                                                                                                         R i v e r s ’    E s t a t e    h a d
       Eileen Spracklen and Louise Connor for making facemasks by hand for the whole                                                     demolished,  having  built  the
       BereConnect volunteer team.                                                                                                       new  one.  Win  had  lost  her
                                                                                                                                         husband     some    years
       Please feel free to nominate anyone else whose efforts you feel have helped to                                                    previously  and  her  daughter
       make  life easier,  or  more  bearable  for  any  of  our  residents  during  these  difficult   was  a  constant  visitor  until  she  died  in  her  early  fifties.  So  Madge  and  I  were
       times.                                                                               regular  visitors  and  Win,  who  managed  her  huge  garden  by  herself  and  was
                                                                                            always giving us flowers and vegetables. One day when Madge went to see her
                                                                    Ian Ventham
                                                                                            in her garden she said ”You have changed my life as I didn’t see anyone for days
                                                                                            before you came”. Her next door neighbour was Mr Jock as he was known.
                                                                                            My first meeting with him was about seven o’clock in the morning. We had just
                                                                                            moved in and I had made myself a cup of tea and I decided to have a nose
                                                                                            around. I went out carrying my cup of tea with me only to be met by Jock, who
                                                                                            had never met or seen me before. His first words were, “Where did you get a cup
                                                                                            of tea up here from and at this time of the morning.”.
                                                                                            He had a strong Scottish accent, having been brought up in Scotland, but was in
                                                                                            fact Irish. He was born of an Irish Mother, who  was a very young unmarried girl
                                                                                            and was considered to be a disgrace to her family and in some way moved to
                                                                                            Scotland had her son and had him moved to an orphanage. As soon as he was
                                                                                            old  enough  to  work  he  was  on  a  farm  as  an  assistant  to  a  shepherd.  He  was
                                                                                            known by his Irish name of  Mr Robert Meehan when I knew him but he was also
                                                                                            referred to as Shep, Bob, Mr Shep.or simply Jock.
                                                                                            He had been married and had a family but none near him and when his wife
                                                                                            died was a very lonely man. He was in this state when I first got to know him but

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