Page 23 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 23

January 2021                         January 2021


       A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all and let’s hope that
       the  Covid  restrictions  may  be  lifted  in  the  coming
       months. In the meantime, do enjoy what nature has to
       offer,  be  it  sunrises  and  sunsets  or  birds  we  may  see
       from  our  windows  or  the  fantastic  variety  of  natural
       sights we have around the Parish.

       Let Us Know What Wildlife You Have Seen

       Now in the depths of winter is the time to have a look at mosses and lichens. Both
       of these plant forms thrive in the current damp cool conditions. There are a vast
       number  of  both  plant  types  –  12,000  species  of  mosses  and  17,000  lichens
       We see them together everywhere and often don’t notice them, particularly in
       woods, on dead and living branches; old stone walls; and even garden benches.

       Mosses are true simple plants that have basic root systems and small leaves as
       can be seen when magnified as shown in these pictures. Lichen are a mix of a
   Paul Martin   07788 185048      fungus and algae. They have no root systems. Some particularly on stone such as

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