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January 2021                                                                        January 2021
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                               DOG BLOG  -  DOGS CHRISTMAS

         The question so many of us ask at this time of year is
        what will 2021 bring? 2020 was unlike any other year                               It’s not much fun being old with arthritis.  My owner is convinced it’s because the
        we  have  ever  lived  through,  and  the  Government                              weather is cold damp and grey.  Maybe it’s the weather which makes you feel it
        had  to  act  and  pass  laws  that  were  impossible  to                          more.    Maybe  you  just  need  something  else  to  moan  about  apart  from  the
        imagine  this  time  last  year.  I  didn’t  write  a  column                      weather and Covid restrictions.  My owner was so grumpy when she realized, we
        for  January  in  2020  –  I  was  still  only  a  candidate                       were not going back into tier one, the rule of six, but alone at home in tier two.
        when publications were going to print. We were mid                                 She went on an eating binge and has put on a whole kilo.
        -election  campaign,  and  I  was  spending  my  days                              As  a  single  person,  in  tier  two,  you  may  as  well  be  in  lockdown,  except  all  the
        knocking on doors and delivering leaflets.                                         shops are now open.  You can meet up with friends outside but then it’s the cold
        Twelve  months  on,  and  it  feels  like  a  lifetime  ago.                       dank weather.  I seem to be going round in circles.  One can form a bubble but
        This year has been challenging for us in many different ways. With the vaccine     one bubble for ever is not much fun either.
        news, there is now hope for us all.  As I write, the first Dorset residents have just   Social life in the village is reduced to chance meetings in the street.  No clubs,
        received  the  coronavirus  vaccine,  and  the  news  is  positive  regarding  other   dinner parties no pubs no games of cards.  Some people just talk and talk about
        vaccines too. We still need to be careful, and follow the rules, but there is light at   everything and nothing.  It’s as if they have lost the art of interesting conversation.
        the end of the tunnel. The most vulnerable people and NHS front line staff will be   They have all become bores.  It might be one has lost the art of listening.  If we
        vaccinated first, with more elderly people being invited in due course. Testing is   meet anyone when out for a walk in North Street I just have to lie down and wait.
        helping to keep more children in school, where our teachers have been working      My owner worries that maybe we will get so used to being home alone it will all be
        incredibly hard and where one of our local schools has been in the vanguard of     too much effort to get dressed up and go out.
        mass testing.
                                                                                           We are sorting out Christmas chutney and other
        The Government has had to make many difficult decisions. The Chancellor has        preserves.      We  have  received  a  chocolate
        had  to  bring  in  the  most  wide-ranging  support  measures  for  people  and   present  from  the  Pop  in  and  next  week  my
        businesses ever seen in peace time, and some people have lost their jobs. The      owner  is  helping  with  parish  parcels.    This  looks
        Government has set up free courses available next year for adults who do not       like being the social village event for December
        have  A-levels  or  equivalent.  The  courses  will  be  fully  funded,  and  range  from
        engineering to healthcare with nearly 400 different subjects on offer. These will   My owner thinks Christmas is a write off.  This time
        help people to gain in-demand skills and open up job opportunities.                of year she usually buys a loud Christmas jumper
                                                                                           and goes out to numerous Christmas dinners or
        And there has been other good news!  I know many people were pleased to see        parties.     She has not decided where to go on
        the implementation of the ban on plastic straws, cotton buds & stirrers come into   Christmas  Day.    To  be  honest  at  the  time  of
        effect in  October,  and  the  Government  has  announced  our  plans  to  ban  live   writing, she has no invitations.   She says she will
        animal exports. There is a consultation running where you can share your views,    still  take  me  out  for  a  walk.    Christmas  will  be
        and you can find more details about this on my website.
                                                                                           another day and I will get no turkey.
        I have been incredibly impressed by the resilience and hard work of our local      My  Goodness  I  am  gloomy.    The  weather  has
        community  –  including  voluntary  groups  and  our  two  local  councils.  I  have   got  cold.    I  had  a  laugh  the  other  day.    The
        regular updates from the local councils and other key groups such as the local     temperature had gone had gone down to minus zero.  It was 4.30 in the morning.
        health service, the CCG and the police. This will continue into the new year, to   I had to go out and was making a fuss.  My owner reluctantly got up (no heating
        ensure  that  we  are  all  working  together  in  the  most  efficient  way  to  support   on at that time in the morning) She let me out into the back yard so I could go up
        everyone in Mid Dorset and North Poole as we start 2021.
                                                                                           the garden.  She was standing there under the yard lights wearing a fleece and
         Happy New Year!                                                                   pink plastic crocks in sub zero frost while I went up the garden.  She must have
                                                                                           been cold.  She was not happy.  Fortunately for her this does not happen very
         Please do get in touch if you help or support. You can contact me via email       often but us old ladies do need to have some fun in the middle of the night. or call my office on 01202 624216. I send

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