Page 11 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 11

January 2021                         January 2021

 We  had  issues  the  other  day  about  next  doors  cats.
    There  are  two  black  and  white  ones  and  they  know
 how  to  make  a  dogs  life  a  misery.    I’d  like  to  chase
 them but those cats just sit the other side of the fence
 and I can do nothing at all.  It’s as if they tease  me.
 Recently one of them broke through our old cat flap
 and came into our kitchen and helped itself to some
 cheese.  My owner told me I was a rubbish guard dog.
 She  has  blocked  off  the  old  cat  flap  now  and  put  a
 sign up saying no cats. (I didn’t know cats could read)
 I think it keeps the draught out but I can’t stick my nose
 out  to  see  who  is  outside  or  rattle  it  when  I  want  to
 come in.

 I have been taken to walk round Dorchester with my
 owners  Cousin  who  is recovering  from  a  major  stroke
 and  cancer  operation.    The  three  of  us  tramp  round
 the grey streets and end up on a park bench outside
 the Bean on the Green café at Fordington.  (They have a dog biscuit jar on the
 counter). In pre Covid times who would have thought that humans could have fun
 on a Park bench in early December with an excellent coffee and flapjack.  My
 owner thinks the architecture and history of Dorchester is very interesting.  For me
 it’s all a bit boring.  I am on a lead but there are lots of different smells.

 Another day we went back to Badbury Rings.  It was so busy the car park there
 was full of older people and mums with children in pushchairs.  It just goes to show
 that people will find things to do even when the weather is grey and everything
 else  is closed.   They all decide to do the same thing
 like  go  to  Bournemouth  or  Durdle  Door.        Now  the
 shops are open they go shopping.  I suppose they will
 all  travel  for  Christmas  to  get  into  enlarged  family
 bubbles.    Both  our  village  pubs  are  closed  at  the
 moment  so  when  they  reopen  maybe  everyone  will
 go to Pub.

 Today  we  went  for  a  walk  round  Lodmore  Nature
 reserve  and  we  hoped  to  see  Sammy  the  seal  I
 expected  he  would  smell  a  bit  different.    I  was
 disappointed he was not there I have not smelt a seal
 before.   He is famous hitches rides on paddle boards
 and  has  his  own  face  book  page  (now  there’s  an
 idea).    Dingle  in  Ireland  had  a  dolphin  called  Fungi.
 There  is  a  famous  dog  called  Kano  who  has  been
 awarded a Dickens medal for bravery   Cher a famous
 pop star paid for a lonely elephant to be re-homed in
 Cambodia.    Humans  do  extraordinary  things  for
 animals.      Perhaps  someone  will  write  a  blog  for  the

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