Page 9 - br-jan-2021 (1)
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January 2021                         January 2021

    Add soy sauce (my favourite) Tabasco, sweet chilli sauce lemon grass,   Deep  inside  the  nest  is  the  queen  termite  –  a
 lemon or lime juice   huge  creature  which  at  35  millimetres  long
       dwarfs  the  worker  termites.    She  is  little  more
    Add nuts and seeds   than an egg laying machine, served by all the
    Chopped brussel sprouts,  spinach    other  termites.    The  other  insects  are  either
       workers, or soldiers, which guard the entrances
 I’m sure you can think of more   to  the  nest.  All  the  termites  work  together  by
       instinct  as  though  they  are  a  single  organism.
 Afterwards  It will keep in a container in the fridge for a day or two.  Can be
 frozen I enjoy it as a salad the next day   The  workers  repair  the  nest  and  provide  food.
       African  termites  even  have  underground
       gardens  where  they  grow  fungus  in  a  special
       compost  made  of  dead  wood  mixed  with
       Once a year (at mating time) some male and
       female  termites  grow  wings  and  fly  the  nest.
       After one flight they cast off their wings, which
       they will never need again.  The male and female couples then start another nest.
       They don’t think about what they do – the whole colony is “programmed” to work
       as a unit.  Termites could not learn to build their towers at the right angle to the
       sun, or how to grow fungus in a special compost.  And how do the flying termites
       know they need to cast off their wings after that single flight?  Everything about
       termites points to these tiny wonders having been created by God to live the way
       they do, and that He continues to provide for these little creatures.
       After  last  year’s  trials,  and  our  way  of  life  turned  upside  down,  let  us  be
       encouraged, as we remember the untold numbers of kind people who went out
       of  their  way  to  help  others,  here  in  our  own  community  as  well  as  in  the  wider
       area.  For many who lost loved ones, this New Year will be filled with sorrow, but
       again we have opportunities to care for them.  As the termites spend their whole
       lives working for the benefit of that huge nest of insects, so we too can learn from
       them and do our part to help others.  The Bible says that God makes His rain to
       fall, and sun to shine, so that everyone is blessed.  All people are important to Him.
       The Bible also says that God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, but that
       we are much more important to Him than many sparrows.  He says that He knows
       exactly how many hairs we have on our heads! (That’s easier with some people
       than others!) (Matthew 10:29-31)  If God knows so much about us, He also knows
       when we are distressed as well as when we are happy.  So no matter what this
       New Year holds for each one of us, remember that God loves you and cares for
       you.  And as you talk to Him in prayer, God had said, “Never will I leave you, never
       will I forsake you.”  So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, I will not
       be afraid.”  (Hebrews 13:5-6)
       We wish you all a very God blessed New Year, and pray it will be better than last
       year in every way.

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