Page 10 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 10

January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       Just a Smile                                                                         Little Egret on Bere Stream (I don’t think that will be very exciting.)  I have tried to
                                                                                            be amusing but the days are beginning to pall and although we have a vaccine
        A trainee pilot was filling in the log book after his first solo.  The engine had not
       been  running  too  smoothly,  so  he  wrote  “Engine  missing”  in  the  faults  column.    we have months of restrictions.  By Easter we may have turned a corner and the
       After the aircraft had been inspected the mechanic added his own comments.           weather may be better.
       “Cowling removed, - engine found.”                                                   Oh well by the time you read this Christmas will be over and we will have had the
                                                                                            winter solstice.  Well as days do lengthen winter strengthens and we will have all

                                                                                            the fun of Brexit.  I think I should be called Scrooge.   Bah Humbug!!!  Or should it
       “But what are the stars?” I asked, as my class of six and seven-year olds discussed   be Bark Humbug!!!
       our new project.
                                                                                                                                                        Jenny Stone
       One girl replied without hesitation, “Holes in God’s carpet where the light shines
       through.”                                                                            This is my owner’s answer to current dieting issues:

                                                                   Joyce Healey             Basic Cauliflower Rice
                                                                                            (you can buy this in packets in the supermarket )
                                                                                            Are you trying to cut carbohydrates and calories?  This is essential to your dieting
                                                                                            recipe repertoire.  It is also Gluten free, Vegan vegetarian and dairy free.  I am still

                                                                                                Cauliflower
                                                                                                Chopped Onion or chopped spring onion
                                                                                                Tablespoon of oil
                                                                                            Cut the florets and green leaves off the cauliflower and place in food processor
                                                                                            and chop until the consistency of rice (smaller if you want to make Cauliflower
                                                                                            cous cous)  If you do not have a food processor use a box grater it takes longer
                                                                                            and is more effort
                                                                                            Put oil in pan add onion and soften slightly add cauliflower and stir frequently until
                                                                                            Some recipes suggest you dry the cauliflower in kitchen towel before frying but I
                                                                                            prefer it softer and more mushy and sometimes add a tablespoon of water.  I
                                                                                            have also microwaved it and steamed it.
                                                                                               Variations The variations are endless
                                                                                                    Use different flavoured oils coconut (my favourite) olive, seed and nut
                                                                                                    Add herbs and spices
                                                                                                    Add chopped chopped veg celery, carrots mushrooms pepper peas
                                                                                                     pulses tomatoes

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