Page 20 - br-feb-2021
P. 20

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

       move  them  around  so  that  they  provided  a  bit  of  variation  to  our  readers.                   crossing a water meadow and were ankle deep in flood
       Although I have always worked with publishing software (the cheap and cheerful                           water.
       Microsoft Publisher, rather than the professional packages favoured by our local
       experts    -  Julien  and  Bernie  Lightfoot)  it  has  been  perfectly  adequate  for                   My owner deviated to the edge of the field where it was
       producing  the  magazine.    So  it  wasn’t  too  long  before  I  took  the  decision  to               drier but Pip and  Alice pressed on and I had to laugh as
       change things about a bit, and make the format more flexible.                                            Pip stepped in a drainage ditch and got wet feet.   After
                                                                                                                staggering across some more muddy fields and gateways
                                                   We used to have quite a lot of                               through  the  fog  we  came  to  the  outskirts  of  Sturminster
                                                   ‘lineage’ adverts in those days,                             Newton.    There  was  nothing  open  and  then  back  down
                                                                                                                the  railway  line  to  Fiddleford  Mill.    This  would  be  a  great
       Could this be you Jenny?
                                                                                                                walk,  if  it  was  not  foggy  and  shops  and  places  to  take
                                                                                                                refreshment in the Town were open.  The walk is about two
                                                            Terry used to mow my lawns
                                                                                                                miles on the level and one to do in the summer.
                                                                                                                We  have  had  a  walk  round  the
                                                     I think Chris is still  trying to retire
                                                     but Jim is going strong!                                   bogs and pylons at Sugar Hill and
                                                                                           my owner has been to Heavens Gate (she wasn’t let in)
                                                                                           with  some  friends.    Walks  for  something  to  do  are  not
       and during the course of my first year, I decided that it would be nice to make
       these more eye-catching and turn them into the ‘small-ads’ section.  This met with   allowed  now,  only  exercise  with  one  other  person  two
       quite a few positive remarks.  However, when I made another change  - to move       metres apart.
       the body copy typeface from Times to Century Gothic   - I did get quite a bit of    We  walk  down  to  Court
       personal  feedback.    Justifiably  so,  in  fact,  as  research  has  shown  the  a  ‘serif’   Green   Farm   some
       typeface is generally easier to read.  But, one of the problems of that era was the   afternoons  and  I  try  to
       print  and  paper  quality  made  the  text  rather  fuzzy,  so  that  was  the  reason  for   chase  “Dave”  the  cat
       moving to a sans serif font.                                                        but  he  is  clever  and  sits
       I was very fortunate in the early years to have a friendly ‘proof reader’ thanks to   under  a  car  and  I
       my neighbour Barbara Crowe. Being of perfectionist tendencies, I was paranoid       cannot get him to move.
       about making mistakes.  Part of my job had been involved in producing training      My  owner  is  watching  a
       manuals  and  workbooks,  but  these  were  printed  at  considerable  cost  with  the   lot  of  TV  and  listens  to
       intention of being used over many years.  I very quickly had to realise that I could   the  radio.    She  goes  to
       not  be  quite  as  fussy  with  a  short  term,  throw  away  publication,  especially  one   bed  with  the  World  Service  and  wakes  up  to  Farming  today  and  the  Today
       done on a voluntary basis.  I should imagine that Barbara was quite relieved when   programme.    She  doesn’t  get  out  of  bed  until  it  is  light  and  then  plays  on  the
       the  decision  was  taken  to  be  less  diligent.    But  then,  guess  what  happened?    I   computer.  It  takes  her  forever  to  get  dressed  and  take  me  out.    I  hate  cold
       used  to  get  regular  telephone  calls  from  a  lovely  gentlemen  (who  shall  remain   weather and dark mornings.  Humans have to put on so many clothes, hat, scarf,
       nameless but I remember him well) who would point out all the mistakes that he      boots, coat, glasses, gloves and warm socks.  I get so impatient.  Then it’s pooh
       had observed in that month’s issue!
                                                                                                                                  bags, leads etc.  I am bursting.
       Nowadays I can’t really claim to be an Editor.  I simply don’t have the time to read                                       Now  she  has  bought  me  a  High  Viz.
       every submission in detail or to correct any typos or grammatical errors.  When I                                          Jacket so that has to go on as well.  I
       typed articles from scratch, it wasn’t so much a problem but now they are copied
       and  pasted  from  electronic  communications  I’m  not  always  as  observant  as  I                                      hate  it  makes  me  look  like  an
                                                                                                                                  assistance dog.  The cats can see me
       would like to be.  Hopefully all of our lovely readers don’t mind this too much.
                                                                                                                                  coming.  It was reduced to half price
       There will be more reminiscences next month   - just wait until I get to the Sports                                        in  Healthy  Pets  in  Blandford.
                                                                                                                                  Fortunately  she  tells  me  it  is  only  for
                                                                                                                                  very  wet  days  or if  she  takes  me  out
                                                                          Alison                                                  at night.

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