Page 19 - br-feb-2021
P. 19

February 2021                        February 2021

 We are back to all the other lockdown problems such as her growing hair.  The
 hair bands are back out.  Zooming sessions are a regular entertainment and Pip’s
 weekly face book village quizzes are back.
 I am worried.  There is a TV programme now called  Pooch Perfect.  It is about
 grooming your Dog.  I went to a dog grooming parlour for a bath once!!!!.  I was   MARCH
 traumatized.    Came  back  all  fluffy  and  smelling  like a  flower  bed.    Those  poor
 dogs, and it’s all for human entertainment.  I am afraid it might give her ideas for
 me it’s a horror show enough to give one nightmares.
 We have been following the news all the time particularly the American drama. It
 has everything Incitement,  Riots, Lies and an Impeachment.  My owner cannot
 understand  how  with  all  the  internet  technology  they  cannot  follow  the
 electronic trail and find out more.  Is the secret service complicit in the riot?  Is
 there financial impropriety?   What will she watch and talk about when Donald
 Trump leaves the stage?  I suppose she will watch the Test match and the new
 Drag race programme.   I think I preferred Donald Trump.
 She has eaten all the chocolates she was given at Christmas and put on another
 Kilo. There is no sign of returning to the diet.  The house needs a clean and tidy.
 As  a  neighbour  hood  car  volunteer  she  has  received  her  car  Covid  cleansing
 pack. The car may get cleaned before taking our first person down to Wareham
 hospital for vaccination next week.
 By the time you read this my owner will be hopefully nearer getting vaccinated
 late February perhaps, it’s times like this you wish she was older.  The days will be
 getting longer.  I notice daffodils are in bud in North Street.   Spring is on the way I

 Jenny Stone

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