Page 17 - br-dec-2021
P. 17

December 2021                       December 2021

        As  we  head  towards  Christmas,  I’m  sure  many  of
        you  are  making  plans  to  meet  up  with  family  and
        celebrate  Christmas  together.  We  all  hope  that
        socialising  will  continue  to  be  easier  than  last
        Christmas,  and  than  it  has  been  in  the  past  18
        months.  It is so important that we can, as much as
        possible,  continue  as  normal,  not  least  for  our
        tourism  and  hospitality,  which  is  so  important  to  us
        here in Dorset.
        Since  I  was  first  elected,  hundreds  of  people  have
        written to me asking for support for local pubs, and
        to  reduce  the  rate  of  beer  duty  on  beer  sold  in  pubs.  When  the  Chancellor
        recently  announced  changes  to  alcohol  taxation  there  was  good  news.  The
        system is going to be much simpler, with lower taxes for lower alcohol drinks, and
        drinks like fruit flavoured cider and sparkling wines. But even more importantly for
        our local pubs they will have a 5% reduction in beer and cider duty,  meaning
        that your pint at the pub will cost less. There is also a business rate discount for
        retail,  hospitality,  and  leisure  businesses,  including  pubs  and  restaurants.  Small
        craft producers of cider will also benefit from a new tax relief, to go alongside
        the existing help for small breweries.
                                                   During  the  recent  storms,
                                                   numerous  trees  came  down,
                                                   and  I  know  that  this  led  to
                                                   disruption  for  many  people.  I
                                                   would  like  to  thank  BCP  and
                                                   Dorset  councils  for  their  hard
                                                   work  in  clearing  the  roads,
                                                   and  also  the  volunteers  in
                                                   communities   who    worked
                                                   together   to   clear   trees
                                                   themselves.    I  recently  visited
                                                   Corfe Mullen library, to see the
                                                   repair work after a tree fell on
                                                   it  during  the  storms.  I  chatted
        to  local  councillors,  and  heard  about  the  Dorset  Council  “Let’s  Talk  Libraries”
        consultation. This is asking for your views on how our local libraries are run in the
        future,  and  how  they  might  best  serve  our  communities.  You  can  find  the
        consultation   here
        consultation There is a general survey, and also a survey for children aged 5-15.
        Young  people  often  ask  the  most  challenging  questions,  but  visiting  schools  is
        something that I particularly enjoy. I was pleased to be quizzed recently during

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