Page 22 - br-dec-2021
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December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       to  Covid,  help  in  updating  the  Electoral  Register,  reporting  road  defects  and   Grandad                        He’d roll the dice and meet the cost,
       issues with rights of ways.                                                                                               To gain a precious thing he’d lost.
                                                                                            If nothing more, the cud I chew.     No stone he’d leave unturned to give,
       Adult Social Care Budget 2021/22                                                     As I do the job I do,                His children, what they’d need to live.
                                                                                            I ruminate on what must be,
       Dorset  Council  faces  a  higher  level  of  demand  for  older  people's  social  care                                  He’d work his fingers to the bone.
       services than many other areas, which places significant pressure on the council’s   With the cards, which have been dealt   He would spend his days alone,
       budget. We continue to lobby the Dorset MPs on a range of issues, in particular      to me.
       the  funding  crisis  faced  by  Local  Government  in  our  health  and  social  care   I strive to play them, as best I can,   If that was for his family’s sake.
       system.                                                                              So that I become the sort of man,    There’d be no risk he would not take,
       This  year  Dorset  Council  is                                                      To whom, my grandad could relate.    But most of all he’d fight and fight,
       predicting  an  increase  in                                                         In him, I saw no evidence of bitterness or   And fight and fight, to have the right,
       the  gross  cost  of  care                                                           hate.                                To be the father he chose to be,
       services  paid  for  by  the                                                                                              And to become the grandad he was
       council of 7% or £10.3m. This                                                        There was no gentler soul on earth.   to me.
       increase   is   due   to   a                                                         No other man could match his worth.
       combination    of   more                                                                                                         Paul J Openshaw (Spring 1995)
       people  needing  care,  and                                                          What would he do, if faced to choose,
       an increase in the unit costs                                                        Between the chance to win or lose?
       of   care   charged    by
       providers to the council. The
       recent  announcement  by                                                                                                   My life is music, music is my life;
       the   Government   of   an                                                           My Life is Music                      My life is happy all day long –
       increase in National Insurance to help the NHS recover after the pandemic and to
       fund social care in England is welcome, but we urgently need to understand the       My life is music, music is my life:   And you could find this happiness
       detail  of  the  conditions  under  which  money  will  come  to  Local  Authorities.  We   My life is singing and harmony.   If you just learn to sing a song.
       also  need  to  ensure  that  the  very  welcome  guarantees  being  given  to  our   The gods have given me music –
       residents  on  the  cap  on  social  care  costs  are  matched  by  monies  passed  to   Music is my destiny.                                Eileen Richardson
       councils so that we are not left short.

                                                                                            My life’s a rainbow – bright with every
       Library Consultation                                                                 hue;
                                                                                            Full of colour and melody.
       Dorset Council  has  launched a  public consultation to inform  how they  develop
       and deliver their library service in the future. Library users and non-users are being   My life’s an opus, a prelude,
       asked  to  share  their  views.  The  consultation  runs  from  25  October  2021  to  7   An unfinished symphony.
       January  2022  and  is  available  online.  Libraries  are  at  the  heart  of  Dorset’s
       communities and provide highly valued services, including book lending, activities   Sometimes life sets me a problem
       and events, reading groups, skills and learning, health and wellbeing, information   And I don’t know what’s right and
       provision, digital access and support, and art and cultural exhibitions. People of all   what’s wrong:
       ages  can  enjoy  all  of  this  and  more,  within  a  safe  and  welcoming         But I find the answer comes winging in
       environment. There are 23 council-run and eight community-managed libraries in
       the Dorset Council area. The current library strategy is 11 years old. Over those 11   As soon as I start to sing a song.
       years,  there  have  been  significant  changes  in  public  behaviour  and  digital

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