Page 19 - br-dec-2021
P. 19

December 2021                       December 2021


       Editor’s note
 (Tea on Thursday)
       I have received the occasional comment
 The  Autumn  Leaves  are  reaching  out  for  New  shoots  and  Pastures  new  after   about the length of the monthly Dorset
 Covid.    Starting  again  in  the  New  year  with  a  move  to  the  first  Thursday  in  the   Council report.
 Month.  The idea being that this will fit in neatly between Salt and Pepper dates.
 (3  Thursday in the month)   It is important to let readers know that our
       councilors cover West Purbeck, not just our
 All events will be in the Scout hut in Elder Road and will always include Tea, talks   own parish.  It is not really possible for them
 or entertainment and always an opportunity to just meet for a chat.  Please just   to produce separate articles for each local
 get  out  of  the  house  have  some  fun,  meet  some  friends  and  do  something   area, and regretfully, I simply don’t have the
 different.  We need to Branch out after being worried about Covid for so long      time to edit the articles to make them more
       relevant to just Bere Regis and Affpuddle.
 The  first  event  in  the  New  Year  will  be  a  12   Night  Tea  at  the  Scout  Hut  on  6
 January starting at 2.30 p.m.  Coming all the way from Egdon Close,  we will be
 entertained by ‘The Bere Bard’  Paul Openshaw.  Paul has kept us all entertained   Extreme E event - Bovington 18/19 December
 with  his  poems  during  lockdown  in  the  Parish  Magazine.    He  will  perform  a
 selection of songs.  This will be followed by Tea and a raffle.  Please come along   Extreme  E  is  the  sport  for  an  electric  off-road  racing
 and encourage this new venture.  If you have any ideas as to what you would like   series which will be taking place over the weekend of
 to  do  with  the  programme  and  other  ideas  for  our  Tea  on  Thursdays  please   18/19  December  at  Bovington.    Whilst  the  event  is  all
 contact Susan Stone on 472083   held off the highway within Bovington  Army grounds, I
                               thought  it  would  be  useful  to  inform  you  of  the
                               This is a non-spectator event so there will be no tickets
                               sold.  With  all  personnel  involved  in  the  event  it  is
                               anticipated there will be no more than 850 working on
                               site.  Their  social  media  platforms  all  inform  those
                               interested  in  watching  should  do  so  on-line  or  via  the
       70+ tv stations broadcasting around the world, closer to home, this will be ITV and
       Sky.  There  will  be  no  viewing  areas  from  the  public  highway.  The  majority  of  all
       event  vehicles  will  access  from  the  east.  The  event  build  will  commence  27
       November and it is anticipated this will take 2 days which is when there could be
       increased  movements  on  associated  vehicles.  There  will  be  directional  signing
       placed at key locations for the event vehicles – exact locations to be confirmed
       later. The event organisers have employed their own security firm, NuGen Security,
       who will be working alongside the Military’s own security team
       There  are  no  road  closures  or  temporary  traffic  signals  required  for  any  of  the
       movements on or off the site, but they  may consider implementing a temporary
       clearway for the event weekend; this is yet to be confirmed.
       The organisers have requested that there is a Police presence from the Thursday
       prior  to  the  event  and  during  event  weekend.  The  main  message  to  promote
       around this event is that it is not a spectator event, there will be no viewing areas

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