Page 13 - br-dec-2021
P. 13

December 2021                       December 2021

 Briantspuddle village hall trustees cannot

 be  held  liable  for  any  accidents  or
 damage  to  your  property  or  person.
 Wednesday  22  December  will  see  the        CHRISTMAS
 lights  party  at  the  hall  with  festive  food
 and  drink  available  with  music,  games      GREETINGS
 and the eagerly anticipated awards. Will
 you  win  the  best  classic  lighting  display,
 the brightest or most unusual?
 The  New  Year’s  Eve  party  is  on  and
 tickets  are  now  available.  They  can  be
 obtained  from  the  village  shop,  the
 social  club  or  myself.  Budding  artists
 desperate  to  entertain  your  neighbours
 and friends please let me know and I will
 organise a slot for everyone to enjoy your
 performance, if you’d like specific music to perform along to please let me know
 ASAP and we’ll make sure we have just what you want organised for you.
 Apart  from  the  inevitable  disclaimer  that  all  these  activities  are  subject  to
 government  intervention  with  additional  covid regulations  all  that  remains  is  for
 me, on behalf of the village hall trustees, to wish you all a merry Christmas and a
 happy and healthy new year.

 Stuart Chorley, Chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
 Mobile 07818078191  Email


    Briantspuddle Singers invite you to join them for
 an  evening  of  Christmas  music  at  the  Village   advertisers and
 Hall  on  Tuesday  14   December,  at  7.30  pm.
 The  programme  will  include  items  from  the   contributors a
 choir,  and  also  the  opportunity  for  you  all  to   Very Merry
 join in some of the popular carols.
          Christmas and a
 Entrance  is  free,  there  will  be  a  charity
 collection  if  you  wish  to  contribute.  Do  come   Peaceful and
 along and welcome in Christmas with a good
 sing!    Prosperous
          New Year
 Andrea Smith, Briantspuddle Singers

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