Page 14 - br-dec-2021
P. 14

December 2021                                                                       December 2021
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE

       We hope and pray that everyone is well  keeping safe in
       Bere Regis and Bere Heath. We have made a couple of                                 VILLAGE HALL NEWS
       changes here at Bere Heath Chapel which we want to
       share with you.
                                                                                           So here we are with my last article for 2021, not sure
       The first one is that our Monthly service which is the First                        how that’s happened but happen it has and so far
       Sunday of each month will  be at 2pm not 3pm so that those who come to the          as  I  write  this  we  have  no  additional  covid
       service  to  which  ALL  are  welcome  can  get  home  before  it’s  too  dark  and  still   restrictions to talk about and so things stay as they
       have  a cuppa and biscuits after the service. December service is at 2pm the 5      are. Each event organiser decides what controls to
       December and  2pm the 2  January.
                                                                                           put  in  place  for  their  event  so  please  continue  to  ask  the  event  organiser  or
       The second change is that our Carol Service will be on MONDAY 20  December          contact  me  if you  have  any  questions  re covid  precautions in  place. Boring  bit
       at 7pm not Tuesday 21  December as original planned. The service will be led by     said now let’s look to some festive cheer.
       the  Rev  Gwyneth Owen  and  Peter  Jenner.  All  welcome. Remember  to bring  a                                       “Christmas  is  coming the goose  is  getting
       Torch, it will be dark.
                                                                                                                              fat please do put a penny in the old mans
       Buggies and Bruch now has a new Name which is “Bere Afternoon Cake and Kids                                            hat…”
       (spells Back ). Our December “BACK “ will be on Saturday 12  December , 2-30 -                                         The village hall trustees are pleased to be
       3.30pm when we will have activities for children which  be a  Christmas Nativity                                       able  to  say  that  as  we  move  on  into
       Party. An afternoon for all the family. Look out for the January date. ( Possibly be                                   December many of our previous hirers are
       8  January )
                                                                                                                              returning  and  alongside  them  there  are
       We  all  here  at  Bere  Heath  Methodist  Church  wish  you  all  a  happy  and  safe                                 some special events coming our way. The
       Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.                                                                          Christmas Fayre is taking place on Sunday
                                                                                                                              the  5   December  and  all  the  stalls  are
                                                                                                                              booked  so  we’re  in  for  a  good  day  and
                                                                                                                              look forward to seeing as many of you as
                                                                                                                              possible  along  with  our  stall  holders
       DORCHESTER CHORAL SOCIETY                                                                                              enticing  you  to  part  with  some  pennies
                                                                                                                              you’ll be able to enjoy some mulled wine,
                                                                                                                              turkey  and  stuffing  rolls  and  mince  pies.
                                                                                           The Fayre will run from 11am-3pm so come along and let’s get this party season
       Gloria in Excelsis Deo                                                              started.

       What more appropriate theme could there be at this time of year?                    Artsreach  will  also  be  welcoming  David  Mynne  presenting  a  one  man
                                                                                           performance of Charles Dickens “ A Christmas Carol” on Saturday 11  December
       We are delighted to present our first Christmas concert for two years: an uplifting
       programme  of  music,  featuring  interpretations  of  Gloria  by  John  Rutter,  Bob   going  by  previous  one  person  performances  from  artsreach  this  is  sure  to  be  a
       Chilcott and Antonio Vivaldi.  The celebratory mood continues with instrumental     great nights entertainment. The Christmas lights competition will be judged over
       works  by  Susato  and  Passereau  and  Cecilia  McDowall’s  A  Winter’s  Night,  a   the weekend of 17,18,19 December so be sure to get your homes dressed up and
       delightful  cantata,  combining  traditional  themes  with  well-loved  melodies  in  an   all  turned  on  by  then.  Please  remember  to  take  every  care  to  make  sure  your
       original setting.                                                                   lighting  displays  are  safe  and  don’t  endanger  anyone  or  your  home.
                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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