Page 18 - br-dec-2021
P. 18

December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       Parliament  Week,  by  the                                                           MORE THAN A MOVIE
       children at Bearwood school,
       on  a  range  of  issues  from
       climate  change  to  why  I
       became  an  MP  in  the  first                                                      At Milborne St Andrew Village Hall,
       place!    I  have  also  been  to                                                   the Causeway DT11 0JB
       visit Beaucroft Special School                                                                         th
       in Colehill to hear about their                                                     Friday Dec 10th . Doors and bar
       exciting plans for expansion.                                                       open 7.00 for a 7.30 start
       I  would  like  to  wish  you  all a                                                We  are  showing  Downton  Abbey!  It  is  1927  and
       Happy  Christmas  and  a                                                            the Crawleys and their intrepid staff are preparing
       peaceful New Year!                                                                  for  the  most  important  moment  of  their  lives.  A
                                                                                           royal visit from the King and Queen of England will
       I will be continuing my surgeries, both in person, and by phone, so please do get   unleash  scandal,  romance  and  intrigue  that  will
       in  touch  if  you  need  support.    You  can  contact  me  via  email             leave  the  future  of  Downton  hanging  in  the  or  call  my  office  on  01202  624216.  Every   balance.
       month  or  so  I  send  out  an  email  newsletter  to  update  people  on  what  I  have
       been doing in London and the constituency, and with useful links and information.   The  film  received  great  reviews  both  from  critics
       You  can  read  previous  issues  on  my  website,  where  you  can                 and ‘ordinary’ audiences. From two reviews:
       also  sign  up  to  receive  it:
       newsletter                                                                          ‘There is plenty of humor and high spirits in this story and the acting is excellent.
                                                                                           The production values are first-rate’ and ‘it hits all the right notes. It's extravagant,
                                                                                           rich and exactly what you'd expect on a trip to Downton Abbey’.
                                                                                           I have just seen a short trailer for the film, which was made in 2019, and I am very
                                                                                           much looking forward to seeing the whole film... (and I wasn’t someone who had
                                                                                           to see every episode when it was on television). The next film in the series is due
                                                                                           out next march, so come and catch up before then!

                                                                                                                                     Quality Tax and
               LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                                       KingsBere                                Accounting

          Michael Tomlinson MP                                                                 Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all
          holds regular surgeries                                                                                                    aspects of accounts and tax
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216                                                                            Day and evening appointments available
          details of forthcoming    
         surgeries or to make an
           appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP                                                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
            contact his office.

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