Page 12 - br-dec-2021
P. 12

December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       If I’d had one notion, one notion at all,                                           BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – OUR
       I would have slept in our messy old stall,
       Insisting that Mary should take my own bed                                          VILLAGE SHOP
       Comfy and warm, for her labour.  Instead  . . . .
                                                                                            On the twelfth day of Christmas, my shopping basket
       They called for me shortly before she gave birth,                                    full
       While above us a star blazed like nothing on earth.                                  Twelve Curtis’ sausages
       I welcomed Him into this world, my life blessed;                                     Eleven hands of bananas
       He lay in our manger, and all was at rest.                             Marian Cleworth
                                                                                            Ten varieties of cheese

                                                                                            Nine local artist cards
       The thing that struck me about this poem was the regret felt by the Innkeeper’s
       wife.  If only she had known that it was God’s own Son who was about to be born      Eight village shop calendars
       she would have done things so differently.                                           Seven days of opening

       I think everyone of us has been in that situation at some time in our lives, wishing   Six fresh loaves
       we could put time back and have taken a different course of action in certain        Five first class stamps
                                                                                            Four pints of milk
       It’s important we don’t let those regrets dominate our thinking so that the present   “free” range eggs  (see what I did
       is affected.  The reason Jesus came to this earth was that 33 years later He would   there!)
       go to the cross and there take on Himself the guilt of all the wrong things we have
       ever  done,  so  that  by  giving  His  life  we  could  know  God’s  forgiveness,   Two aubergines and
       acceptance and peace.                                                                a cabbage from the village shop
        If  you  have  regrets  that  still  bother  you,  then  give  them  to  Jesus,  accept  His
       forgiveness and know His peace in your heart.  The last verse of the familiar carol   Well, it made me smile any way.
       “In the bleak mid-winter” says,
                                                                                            Christmas - a time of good cheer and that is what you can expect to find in the
       What can I give Him, poor as I am?  If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb.       village shop. Run completely by volunteers who give up their time to provide a
                                                                                            warm welcome and hopefully fill your shopping basket.
       If I were a  wise man I  would do  my  part.    Yet  what I can I  give Him,   Give my
       heart.                                                                               We will be running the Christmas pop up shop in the village hall again this year –
                                                                                            thank you Village Hall Trustees for facilitating us. We’ve a wide range of small gifts,
       The  Chapel  wishes  you  all a very  happy,  peaceful  and God blessed  Christmas,    local artist Christmas cards and Christmas goodies. The pop up will be open from
       may its true meaning come alive for you in a new way this year.                                                           Sunday 5  December until 23 .

                                                                                                                                 In  the  week  before  Christmas,  we  will
       Just a smile                                                                                                              have  the  fruit  and  vegetable  stall  in
          Preparations  were  well  under  way  for  the  Nativity  play,  when  one  boy                                        the  village  hall  –  please  don’t  go  to
       complained, “Not that maternity play again, we did that last year”.                                                       the  supermarket! The  produce is fresh
                                                                                                                                 from  the  market,  very  good  quality,
          What happened to that waterproof, shock proof, anti-magnetic, unbreakable                                              and  a  great  price.  There  will  be  a
       watch that I bought you last year?                                                                                        mulled wine on offer whilst you shop.
          It caught fire!                                                                                                        If you’d like meat for Christmas, please

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