Page 21 - br-dec-2021
P. 21

December 2021                       December 2021

       Councillors  Peter  and  Laura,  Dorset  Council  Highways,  The  Weld  Estate,  The
 As the Years go by ‘85
 After much sitting, we feel stiff in each   Coastguard,  The  Ambulance  Service  and  The  Fire  Services.  Key  areas  of
    joint;   agreement going forward were, parking arrangements worked well and will be
 As the years go by and we’re   A trip to the chemist for some balm to   introduced  again  next  year  by  the  Estate.  Work  with  local  Community  groups
 approaching the pension   anoint.   worked reasonably well and will continue next year.
 We get aches and pains, too   When we read the paper, the writing’s     Highways  issues  were  much  improved  helped  by  getting  all  parties  talking  to
 numerous to mention.   less distinct;   each other via a MACC (Multi Agency Command Centre), this worked well and
 As we’re putting on weight and are   was  useful.  However  there  were  slow  police  response  times  when  roads  were
 portly of figure   Can it be the printers – has something   closed  (due  to  the  notification  procedure,  now  resolved  through  the  MACC
 not been inked?
 It’s hard to remember being young      process). Tow away threat worked well for illegal parking.
 and full of vigour.   Though we’ve twinges in the leg, and    Ambulance and Fire Service access proved difficult but is now better understood
    an ache in the arm,   by  crews  and  would  be  impossible  to  change  fundamentally.  Few  heath-fire
 We think of days cycling and running   issues and no fire-related issues at Bestival. Main demand has been assisting with
 in our youth –   It’s all quite trivial - there’s no need for   cliff  and  water  incidents  in  various  capacities.  Coastguard  worked  well  with  all
 But that’s a long time ago, that’s the   other agencies. Sadly, there were more 'serious' incidents this year, with 3 deaths,
 painful truth.   Being OAP’s should be fun, and joking   coroners reports will be studied to see if there are any lessons to be learnt.
 Now the stairs seem steeper, we puff
 and groan;   Age doesn’t matter, when you’re
 young in heart.
 But there’s one consolation – we   Customer Services
 don’t grow old alone.      Following  the  reopening  of  customer  access  points  in  July,  the  feedback  has
 Eileen Richardson   been positive with over 2,200 customers being supported with their enquiries (July
       to  September).  Working  alongside  and  in  collaboration  with our library
       colleagues  and  external  partners  in  several  of  our  locations,  the  return  of
       customer  access  has  been  welcomed  by  many  customers.  We  are  seeing
       a gradual increase in footfall with Dorchester and Weymouth being our biggest
       areas of demand. The numbers are below
       Dorchester – 789                Wareham Library – 195
       Weymouth – 739                  Wimborne Library - 170
       Nordon Lodge (Blandford) – 220    Mountfield (Bridport Town Council) - 157

       Enquiry types have included:
       Waste – collecting small containers – 28%
       Revenue & Benefits – requests for Council Tax support – 17%
       Housing – housing register related – 16%
       Parking – challenging Penalty Charge Notices and paying fines – 8%
       Blue badge – help completing applications on the public access computers – 4%
       Planning - establishing progress of planning applications – 2%
       Legal – verifying proof of life request for overseas pensions – 2%
       Other  enquiries  have  comprised  requests  for  Radar  keys  for  disabled  toilet
       facilities,  signposting  to  adult  social  care  information,  financial  support  due

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