Page 20 - br-dec-2021
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December 2021                                                                       December 2021
       from  the  Public  highway  and  those  interested  are  encouraged  to  watch  on-
       line.  The following link is the events page so please take a look as if, like me, you   BERE REGIS WI
       have  no  idea  what  the  event  involves,  hopefully  the  link  will  make  it  clearer.
                                                                                            As  I  am  sure  you  were  aware  the  Government
       Extreme E have their own                                                             had  been  hosting  COP26  recently  and  it  has
       comms  team  who  are                                                                been called the worlds "last best chance" to limit
       working   with   media                                                               Global  warming.  The  WI  had  been  at  COP26
       interests   and   their                                                              monitoring the decision makers and making sure
       message  is  very  clear                                                             they knew that the WI Members from across the
       regarding  spectators  so                                                            country care deeply about all the decisions made.  WI Members were asked to
       hopefully our local media                                                            join in the COP26 Global Day of Action marches carried out across the country on
       will follow their lead.                                                              the 6th November and there was a wonderful turnout of all the Clubs and their

       It may sound strange that                                                            Members.
       I  am  repeating  the  no                                                            On a lighter note and relevant to Bere Regis the WI were asked to supply a Finger
       spectator  status  but  as                                                           Buffet at the Sports Club for a Memorial to the Cheeseman family. Sally, who was
       this  is  the  first  time  in  the                                                  a very  great  supporter  of our  WI  and  very  much  missed, Gordon,  her  husband,
       UK  this  event  has  been                                                           missed by the Cricket Club, and Cyril, his brother, who dedicated 30 years to the
       held it is expected to gather a lot of interest from those who follow the sport. The   Sports Club. Gordon and Sally's Son, Steven, sent a zoom message from Australia
       general idea is that this is a pilot to see how it works.                            to the remaining family.
       I  hope  that  you  may  feel  this is  an  interesting  event which  if it  works  well  could                                  Our  October  Meeting  was  a
       lead  to  a  major  sporting  event  in  our  ward  which  may  bring  welcome  tourist                                          Yoga  class  specially  designed
       revenues, particularly out of season. The event is being coordinated with the DIO                                                for  the  less  active  women  or,
       (Defence  Infrastructure  Organisation)  and  the  sponsors  and  the  Garrison  itself  is                                      may  I  say,  those  of  a  certain
       not  playing  any  part  in  its  organisation.  I  would  be  interested  to  hear  of  any                                     age!  We  were  allowed  to
       resident’s  experience  of  the  event  and  I  hope  to  feed  all  of  these  back  to  the                                    remain   seated   and   this
       organisers in the New Year.                                                                                                      particular Yoga is based upon
                                                                                                                                        soft   flowing   movements,

                                                                                                                                        controlled   breathing   and
       Bere Regis Poole Roundabout & Rye Hill closure 1  to 5                                                                           visualisation.  It  is  both  a
       November                                                                                                                         graceful  form  of  exercise  and
                                                                                                                                        a potent means of stress relief.
       I am pleased to report that the work was completed on time and the closure was                                                   Nothing  too  stressful  for  our
       kept to a minimum. Thank you to everyone who was patient and understanding                                                       Members  who  took  part  and
       during this time.                                                                                                                we  all  did  feel  better  for  it.
                                                                                                                                        Those  of  a  slightly  younger
       Lulworth Cove emergency Services Group                                               generation  were  able  to  lie  on  the  floor  afterwards  relaxing  as  shown  by  the
                                                                                            photo attached. A very good evening.
       This is  a group chaired by the Police  and  set up over  a year  ago to review  the
       access and other problems generally related to tourist traffic during the summer     Our  November  Meeting  will  see  us  getting  ready  for  Christmas  and  making
       months for Lulworth and surrounding areas including Bestival. Its aim was to try to   garlands.
       find ways to reduce the problems caused by the increased numbers and traffic.
       We recently had a wash up meting for this year with a date in the diary to meet
       next year. There are various members of this group including the Police, your ward

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