Page 17 - br-aug-2022
P. 17

August 2022                                                                          August 2022
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                  BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE

       North Street Application

       A packed meeting of residents of Bere                                                AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
       Regis took place on Saturday the 16th
       of  July  to  discuss  the  application                                              COUNCIL
       submitted  for  a  retail  (McDonald’s)
       development  at  the  end  of  North
       Street  Bere  Regis.)  I  explained  the
       process that the application would go
       through and that I would be available
       to discuss this with anyone who wished
       via the telephone or e-mail (shown at
       the end of this report),

                                                                I  committed  to
                                                                obtaining  further
                                                                information  and
                                                                clarification   on
                                                                the    following
                                                                i ssue s .   Light
                                                                pollution,   the
                                                                potential   visual
                                                                impact   of   the
                                                                flag,  the  overall
                                                                visual   impact
                                                                a s s e s s m e n t ,                                            Did you Know?
                                                                pollution  and  air
                                                                q u a l i t y ,    a n
                                                                archaeological                                            Would you like to have the parish magazine
                                                                assessment,   the                                         delivered to your door each month if you live
       style and nature of the architectural diagrams. The line of sight from North St and                                          within the parishes?
       whether any lights at the end of North Street will be visible. The work required to be
       done on the roundabout to improve access, whether the parking is adequate for                                        We have a fantastic team of volunteer
       customers and staff. Whether the NPPF requirements for a retail outlet to be more                                 distributors who undertake the delivery of this
       than  400  metres  from  a  place  where  children  gather  relates  and  applies  to  this                       magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1
       particular application.  Whether sufficient nitrogen mitigation has been identified.                              less than you would pay at the retail price and
       Whether  the  flooding  and  sewage  and  drainage  implications  have  been  fully                                no charge for delivery),  you could be included
       identified and whether there is sufficient surface water run-off.
                                                                                                                                   on one of these rounds.

       Dorset Council worker abused whilst repairing a manhole                                                             Contact the Editor, for more information:
       cover                                                                                                             Alison Debenham    or
                                                                                                                                     01929 471780
       A worker at the scene of emergency repairs on a busy route was taken away due

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