Page 12 - br-aug-2022
P. 12

August 2022                          August 2022

 tidy up our buildings and block up holes and crevices, and a lack of insects that   Are you in the 64%?
 the swifts feed on (Remember when your car windscreen used to be covered in
 squashed insects at the end of a long journey).     Part of the community outreach that the American team helped us with included
       speaking  with  people  in  the  village  in  order  to  gauge  the  general  perception
 For  information  on  how  to  help  keep  our  swifts  please  see  www.swift-  towards  the  Chapel, but  also towards  Christianity in  general. It is apparent  that     Bere  Regis  has a  diverse range of beliefs  when it comes  to  spiritual  matters.  Of
 Angie Talbot              those we spoke with, there are a significant amount of atheists and agnostics, but
       several  people  also  labelled  themselves  as  Christian,  even  if  they  were  not
       attending church anywhere.
       According to the 2011 census (2021 data is still to be released) 64% of Bere Regis is
       Christian.  Whilst  it  was  somewhat  less  than  64%,  we  met  several  people  who
       described themselves as Christians. However, when asked what makes someone
 THE MORETON FUND   a Christian, there were a variety of answers given, such as:
       - being a good person
 The  Moreton  Fund,  registered  charity  number  306227,  provides  funds  for  young   - going to church
 people from Moreton and Affpuddle to meet the costs of their education, training
 and career start-up.   - being christened, confirmed and married in a church

 “We know that young people are really concerned about funding the next stage   - being brought up by Christian parents
 in their lives” says Richard Frampton-Hobbs, Chair of the trust fund “so if we can
 help we will.”   - doing good things for others
 Richard notes that young people starting work, training or an apprenticeship, or   All of these things are well and good, but the Bible teaches that there is only one
 continuing in education, are discouraged by huge expenses in the next year or   thing that can make someone a Christian. In the gospel of John, chapter 3, Jesus
 so.    spoke with a man named Nicodemus. He was the highest rabbi of his day, so had
       reached  the  very  top  of  his  religion.  He  had  observed  all  the  rituals  and
 The Moreton Fund, working name of the William Frampton Educational Trust, gives   regulations required of him and he had been the best person he could possibly
 awards of up to £1000 to young people to help with the cost of training, travel,   be. If anyone was good enough to have right standing with God and to go to
 purchase of equipment to help them move to the next stage in their lives.   heaven when they died, it was Nicodemus. If you were to imagine what a ‘good’
       person would be like, Nicodemus would be it.
 The applicants must be resident in the parishes of Moreton or Affpuddle - which
 also covers Waddock Cross, Briantspuddle and Throop.     We  are  told  Nicodemus  approached  Jesus  at  night,  most  probably  because
       despite his outward goodness and adherence to the rules, he had some inward
 Richard says “We made a number of grants last year and expect to do the same   turmoil.  Jesus  put  His  finger  on  the  issue  when  He  said  ‘No  one  can  see  the
 this year.“   kingdom  of  heaven  unless  they  are  born  again.’  In  other  words,  all  the  good
 Grants are usually awarded in early September (but can be considered on a one-  things  Nicodemus  had  done  were  not  actually  good  enough.  The  inside  was
 off basis throughout the year) and to apply check out  the facebook page for the   more important than the outside. In modern terms, being good, going to church,
 William Frampton Educational Foundation or email   being christened and being a nice person, whilst commendable, does not make
       someone a Christian.
       A few verses on in the same chapter, there is a verse that explains how a person
       becomes a Christian. This verse is the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16,
       which says ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
       whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but will have eternal life.’

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