Page 20 - br-aug-2022
P. 20

August 2022                          August 2022
 OVER THE HILL            Cost of Living Crisis

       Life is worrying for many people right now and many people haven’t asked for
       help  before.  It’s  important  to  act  early  to  prevent  smaller  problems  turning  into
 As I  write  this,  we are experiencing  a heat wave,  some  thing I can’t  remember   bigger  ones.    Dorset  Council  are  working  with  Dorset  Citizen’s  Advice  Bureau
 before in all my eighty years. I can’t say that I am enjoying it one bit. .       (CAB) to offer advice and support on: money, debt and benefits; access to food;
       housing; support for children; mental health and wellbeing; energy, water, phone
 However  it  must be  a boon   and broadband costs; employment; general help and other issues.
 to  the  farmers  who  are
 currently  harvesting  their   We  are  supporting  the  CAB,  please  contact  your  local  office  to  find  out  more
 cereal  crops.  It  will  cause   about their outreach services. Also, you can read about the overall government
 crops  to  ripen  earlier  and   support for the cost of living on GOV.UK.
 need   far   less   drying.
 Although  I  have  no  idea   If you want any information on the following please ring Peter
 how  it  is  going  to  effect
 yields. It is ideal weather for      Solar panels on the roof of Durlston Castle
 hay  making but again I am
 not  sure  how  the  grass  will      End of Year Financial position
 yield  or  regrow  after  being      Coombe House Special School
 mown.  Most  of  our gardens
 are being watered regularly      SPAM Emails from Dorset Council
 and  I  am  wondering  how  long  it  will  before  we  are  told  that  because  of  the
 shortage of water supplies this must stop. Certainly this has been the case in the      Dorset Council Housing Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
 past and I am sure that this is the driest year for a very long time.
 The one great benefit this year is the wonderful foliage we have on our trees. The   Surgery
 oaks in particular have tremendous leaf cover, while other bigger trees such as
 the  beech,  sycamore,  horse  chestnut,  sweet  chestnut  and  even  the  ash  have   We are back to holding face to face meetings. However, we would also be more
 tremendous leaf coverings,  Ash die back would appear to have been stopped   than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email
 this  year  or  at  least  considerably  reduced,  with  wonderful  foliage  displays  on   us  with  some  details  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is
 many trees. This of course is because they are very deep rooted and can reach   telephone   07986   600799   and   Laura’s   is  telephone 07814 569563
 water that is not available to smaller plants and their foliage does not allow the
 sunlight to penetrate the soil around them.   Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
  There could be a serious food shortage this winter here in the UK and throughout
 the  world  because  of  a  poor  harvest.  Here  in  the  UK  the  increase  in  the
 population  due  to  more  immigrants,  the  world  trade  disruption  because  of  the
 Russian/Ukraine war have all got a part to play in our food supplies.

 However  it  is  not  all  bad,  there  are  numerous  flowering  plants,  especially  roses
 which have been watered, which are resplendent in their shapes and colours to
 cheer us up.

 When we think of the need to produce more food, we must think about all the
 rewilding projects that are taking place, also the creation of more woodland on
 what  could  potential  be farmland,  if  not  for  arable  use for  grazing animals.  We
 must make more use of our moorland, some of which can be restored to conifer

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