Page 15 - br-aug-2022
P. 15

August 2022                                                                          August 2022
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                                it into fresh air being drawn in not only potentially saving us money on heating but

                                                                                            providing regular air circulation and change that will also make the hall a safer
        They say that a week is a long time in politics.  It is as                          place should there be further airborne virus or variants of viruses around. I’d  like us
        true now as ever!  As I write, the Prime Minister has just                          to look at our lighting systems and see what improvements can be made not only
        resigned as leader of the Conservative Party, and we                                to  the  provision  of  light  in  here  but  also  the  method  and  type  again  with  an
        will  be  choosing  a  new  leader.  I  am  quite  sure  that                       environmental hat on.
        what I am writing now will already be historic by the                               Alongside that it would be good to be able to do something about the acoustics
        time you read it.                                                                   in here and make the temporary provision of internet access a permanent fixture.
        There  is  no  doubt  that  a  great  many  books  will  be                         To be able to do this and maintain the day to day running of the hall will require
        written  about  this  time  in  politics,  all  providing  their                    more people’s involvement and so I’m hoping to make use of the provision of co-
        view  on  what  has  gone  well,  and  what  could  have                            opting  three  further  trustees  for  the  specific  tasks  of  research  into  potential
        been  better.  Hundreds  of  constituents  have  shared                             projects, seeking out available grants and helping to project manage these ideas
        their views with me about the Prime Minister, both in favour of him and against     into reality. I’m making these comments at this AGM because it’s one of the few
        him; and both for and against him staying on as PM. As we are a Parliamentary       opportunities we  get  to  talk to a  group  of people  outside  the  trustees  who are
        democracy, rather than a Presidential style of government, we do not  directly      interested in our village hall and maybe among you are those with the skills and
        elect  our  Prime  Minister.  Instead,  the  Queen  appoints  the  person  who  is  the   abilities to be one of those people and so hopefully I’m planting some seeds of
        leader of the party that has won the most votes in an election.  Several of my      thought in your minds.
        colleagues are putting themselves forward for the leadership.  There will be an     The other thing, should I be chairman next year, that I am very keen to see is even
        initial  series  of  votes  by  Conservative  MPs,  before  a  ballot  of  Conservative   closer  working  relations  between  the  village  hall,  the  social  club  and  the  shop.
        members.  By the autumn and probably well before, we will have a new leader         During the various lockdowns we all saw the benefits of supporting one another
        and a new Prime Minister.                                                           and working together and as we enter this cost of living crisis and whatever else

                                                      I  remain  a  member  of  the         awaits  us  down the  road  we  should  actively  look for opportunities  to assist  and
                                                      Government  in  the  whips’           support one another in a common goal of providing for this our community.
                                                      office, albeit in a new role.                                 Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall
                                                      A  significant  part  of  my
                                                      duties   as   a   whip   is
                                                      administrative,  for example
                                                      ensuring  that  there  are            BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP  - OUR
                                                      ministers  for  debates  and
                                                      committees,  and  liaising            VILLAGE SHOP
                                                      with MPs  from  all  the  other
                                                      parties.  It is also a pastoral
                                                      role, providing support and           Strawberries and cherries seemed to have been the hit
                                                      advice  to  other  MPs  (our          during  July  –  fresh  in  on  a  Saturday  word  soon  got
                                                      “flock”), and also provide a          round and stock disappeared on the day. It’s so good
        line  of  communication  from  the  backbenches  to  the  Chief  Whip  and  Prime   that we can have fresh fruit and vegetables in twice a
        Minister, about how MPs are feeling and any concerns or policy issues.              week. We are thankful for those who turn out early to
                                                                                            collect  from  the  market  –  without  you  we  would  not
        Through these turbulent weeks, this continued support to my “flock” has been as     be able to continue to sell the fresh produce which is
        important as ever.  It is also right that the government must continue to function.    so popular.
        In order for legislation to be properly scrutinised, debate must be facilitated, and
        committees must continue to operate. Whips are a vital part of that process.  As    If  you’re  an  early  bird  and  wouldn’t  mind  a  trip  into
        a  member  of  the  whips’  office,  I  have  to  remain  neutral  throughout  the   Dorchester or Wareham please let us know.
        leadership  race  and  I  will  not  be  promoting  or  publicly  supporting  any  of  the   We have fitted a blind this month to the small window to keep the temperature

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