Page 21 - br-aug-2022
P. 21

August 2022                                                                          August 2022
                                                Quality Tax and
           KingsBere                                Accounting                                                                       GARDENING CLUB

           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all                                    We  have  been  exploring  Dorset  Gardens  this
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                                                        summer.  In June on a slightly damp day we took
                                                                                                                        off  to  Pulham  to  visit  the  Rectory  there.    This
                                           Day and evening appointments available           garden has been featured in the NGS yellow book (National Garden Scheme) for
                                                                                            some years.   What a stunning house set beautifully into the Blackmore Vale with
                                                                                            wonderful  views.    The  garden  was  about  10  acres,  featuring  a  bog  garden,  a
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                              woodland  garden  an  arboretum  and  herbaceous  beds  and  terraces.    We
                                                                                            finished the evening off with delicious cakes and tea.
                                                                                            Our  next  visit  was  a  garden  not
                                                                                            open  to  the  public  and  new  to
                                                                                            NGS Lulworth Castle House.  This
                                                                                            fairly modern House (1970’s) is to
                                                                                            be found behind the Castle.  The
                                                                                            garden  comprised  of  about  25
                                                                                            acres  with  stunning  views  down
                                                                                            to  the  coast.    There  were  wild
                                                                                            grasslands   trees   Ornamental
                                                                                            Ponds, a Hydrangea  Walk in full
                                                                                            bloom,   walled   productive
                                                                                            vegetable  gardens,  with  fruit
                                                                                            cages,  wild  flower  meadows  a
                                                                                            lavender  maze  a  Moroccan
                                                                                            garden ornamental ponds fountains and lovely statues.  We were given a guided
                                                                                            tour by the owner and the head gardener.  The evening was made perfect by
                                                                                            the sun shining over the whole valley.  This was a garden visit to remember and if
                                                                                            you get a chance to visit it is well worth it..
                                                                                            We  are  not  meeting  in  August  but  members  are  encouraged  to  enter  and
                                                                                            support Winterborne Kingston show on Saturday 13  August.
                                                                                            In September we are having a presentation by Seb Haggett from Wild Woodbury
                                                                                            on their plans to set up a food forest on the Wild Woodbury site and I am doing a
                                                                                            short  presentation  on  crabapples,  blackberries  and  making  and  using  savoury
                                                                                                                                                        Susan Stone

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