Page 13 - br-aug-2022
P. 13

August 2022                                                                          August 2022

       Christianity  is  not  about  ‘do’  this  or  don’t  ‘do’  that,  it  is  about  what  Jesus  has     NEWS OF BRIANTSPUDDLE SWIFTS
       ‘done.’ God loved the world, and this love includes love for me and love for you.
       Out of this love, He gave the greatest gift imaginable, His own Son, to enter into
       history as our saviour. We are told that the one who believes in Him will receive    I  am  delighted  to  report  that
       the free gift of eternal life. This is what Jesus meant when He told Nicodemus that   ‘our’  wonderful  swifts  that
       he must be born again. What gives someone right standing before God or makes         faithfully  return  each  year  to
       them  a  Christian  is  not  reliance  on  the  things  they  are  doing  themselves,  but   the  nest  boxes  at  the  village
       rather a trusting in what Christ has freely done on our behalf.                      hall,  have  occupied  all  five
                                                                    John Williams           boxes this year and every pair
                                                                                            have  young.  If  you  are  lucky
                                                                                            you  may  have  seen  the
                                                                                            youngster’s faces peering out
                                                                                            of the entrance holes.

       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                                                              Once  these  young  swifts
                                                                                                                                         pluck  up  the  courage  to
       CHAPEL                                                                                                                            launch themselves out of the
                                                                                                                                         entrance hole, that’s it – they
                                                                                                                                         will be on the wing until they
       Well    here  we  are  again  with  “What’s  happening  in                                                                        return to us again at the end
       August at Bere Heath Chapel”                                                                                                      of  April  next  year.  Non-stop
       Sunday 7  August – Monthly Service at 2pm led by Rev                                                                              flying,  they  will  not  perch, sit
       Gwyneth  Owen  which  will  include  Holy  Communion.                                                                             on  the  overhead  wires  or
       Refreshments after Service.                                                                                                       land  on  the  ground.  When
                                                                                                                                         they  leave  the  nest  they  fly
       Saturday  13   August  –  Country  Fair  –  Crafts,  Bring  and                                                                   to  southern  Africa  –  to  the
       Buy, Cakes , Tea and Coffee, cold drinks. Might even be                              Congo, Mozambique and on to the east African coast. Imagine them there in the
       some plants.  Also activities for Children. This is one of the main fund raisers of the   sun while you are eating your Christmas dinner! We now know that’s where they’ll
       year for the Chapel which helps pay for Heating , lighting , upkeep.  Donations      be as Bird A320 from Cambridgeshire was tagged with a geolocator and tracked
       will be gratefully received for any of the stalls . Please contact Jackie and Philip   there. (2010)
       Morgan (Senior Stewards ) on 01929 471339 if you can do so. A good afternoon
       out for all the Family. Please do tell your friends and neighbours.                  But  for the moment, every  evening  the whole  group of adult birds  made up of
                                                                                            breeding pairs, plus ‘prospectors’ from last year and the year before that, form up
       Sunday 4  September  - Monthly Service at 2pm.                                       into  ‘screaming  parties’  flying  at  phenomenal  speed  over  the  colony,  showing
                                                                                            what superb fliers they are, eventually coming in crazily fast to roost in the boxes,
       Saturday 3  & Sunday 4  September is the Dorset County Show.                         hardly appearing to brake at all and each bird shooting straight for their entrance
       If you are Family with baby’s or infants and you are planning on coming to the       hole, then the chattering greetings from inside the box. How we will miss them!
       Show  which is  on  the  Show  Ground near  Kingston  Maurward   round about  the    By  the  time  you  read  this  some  of  the  youngsters  may  have  fledged,  and
       United Church which is in Dorchester will have a Marquee there where you can         amazingly, within a few days, will be on their way south. The parents will follow as
       feed , change , relax and older children can do craft activities and its free. Look   soon as all their ‘babies’ have left the nest as their job is now complete.  And then
       out for us on Avenue A (A11 0r A12)which is near the Shopping Mall.                  comes the long months to wait in anticipation of the first sight of that black sickle-
       Have a lovely Summer                                                                 shaped bird whizzing over the village once again.
                              Peter Jenner – Lay Worker -    Bere Heath Methodist Chapel        However please remember that the Common Swift (Apus apus) is now on the Red
                                                                                            List due to a severe decline in numbers. There are less nest sites available as we

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