Page 16 - br-aug-2022
P. 16

August 2022                          August 2022
 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   candidates.  This means that the whips office will continue delivering government
       business throughout this period to ensure the smooth running of parliament and
       government.    I  very  much  hope  to  update  you  in  my  next  column  about  how
 AGM extras   things have progressed, and my new role in the whips’ office.
 Due to the unexpected delay in holding the AGM I        By the time you read this,
 am  also  pleased  to  be  able  to  include  our       it  is  likely  that  there  will
 platinum  jubilee  celebrations  in  my  report.  I’ve      only  be  two  remaining
 been saying for the last two years that when this is    candidates,   with   the
 over  we’d  have  a  party  to  head  all  parties  and  celebrate  being  able  to  mix   winner to be announced
 together once again. Although covid isn’t over it does for now seem to be under   in  a  matter  of  weeks.  I
 some sort of control at least as far as severe illness and death goes. So when a   will be spending much of
 once in British history opportunity comes along in the form of her Majesty Queen   the  summer  in  Dorset
 Elizabeth  II  achieving  70  years  on  the  throne,  our  longest  reigning  monarch  in   and  so  please  do  stop
 history, there’s was nothing for it but to hold the party of all parties.     me for a chat when you
 Along with individuals in the parish, the social club and the church, the village hall   see me out and about.
 played its part in an amazing four day party with bbqs, lighting of the beacon, a   If  you  need  to  get  in
 ceilidh,  a  street  party  and  a  church  service  and  picnic  to  round  it  all  off.  We   touch,  you  can  contact
 partied like never before and even when it rained about ten o clock the dancing   me  via  email  or  call  my  office  on  01202
 in the street outside continued at least until the heavens really opened when the   624216. I send out a regular email update – you can sign up on
 hardened  partygoers  retreated  to  the  hall  and  social  club  and  carried  on   my website where you can also
 dancing.  I  cannot  possibly  mention  everyone  involved  but  I  want  to  extend  a   find  links  to what I’ve been doing locally  and in  Parliament  &
 huge thank you to one and all none of it would have been possible without all of   information such as updates & energy price advice.
 you taking part.  And there are plans afoot to produce a memory album of the
 whole event.
 Chairman’s  annual  reports  are  by  their  very  nature  a  look  back  at  what’s
 happened but as we emerge from he effects a of covid I also, this year, want to
 look  forward.  We  are  so  very  fortunate  to  have  a  facility  like  this  village  hall  in
 what is such a relatively small community and it’s right that we not only look after
 it and maintain it but we keep it at the cutting edge.

 I’ve  lost  count  of  the  number  of  people  who  come  in  here  and  marvel  at  our   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
 kitchen  facilities  alongside  such  an  old romantic  building  as  a  thatched  village
 hall and it’s thanks to members of the community and previous trustees that we
 have  such  good  facilities  and  so  should  I  be  asked  to  remain  as  chairman  for   Michael Tomlinson MP   
 another  year  I  would  like  to  see  our  hall  look  to  take  a  lead  in  becoming  as   holds regular surgeries
 carbon neutral and efficient as humanly possible. I’m hoping that we can look at   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 our  heating  system  and  maybe  pick  up  and  continue  the  efficient  underfloor   details of forthcoming
 heating we have in the new part of the building to see what can be done in the   surgeries or to make an   
 main hall. It would be great to not only be Russian oil free but to be oil free.
           appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
 There’s also a vast area of warmed air above our heads just lurking there waiting   contact his office.
 to go cold, maybe we can recirculate that air collecting it’s heating and putting

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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