Page 11 - br-aug-2022
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August 2022                                                                          August 2022

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          PARISH IN PICTURES EMBROIDERY PROJECT.

       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                     What seems like a very long

                                                                                            time  ago  now  in  March
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full           2020,  the  United  Kingdom
                                                                                            was  put  into  a  national
       time Youth Worker, John Williams.                                                    lockdown to protect us from
        Our services also go out live on You Tube                                           Covid-19. Due to a medical
                                                                                            condition I was registered as
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.                 vulnerable and so I was put
                                                                                            on  furlough  from  work.  At
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.
       We had a wonderful start to the month of July by having the privilege to host a
       team of American Bible college students for a total of 9 days. The team were all                                             the same time a Covid-19 response
       based in Oklahoma and were sent by Stillwater Bible Church. As well as spending                                              team of volunteers was created for
       time in the village and the surrounding countryside, we were able to take them to                                            the   parish   of   Affpuddle ,
       visit  Bournemouth,  Dorchester  and  various  places  in  the  Purbecks  such  as  the                                      Turnerspuddle  and  Briantspuddle
       Cove and Castle at Lulworth.
                                                                                                                                    and  I  volunteered  to  do  admin
       Their  visit  was  a  real  encouragement  to  everyone  at  the  Chapel,  as  the  team                                     work  for  them  to  try  and  help  me
       helped  out  with  some  community  engagement  which  included  an  assembly                                                pass the hours.
       about   America   at   the                                                                                                   During this time, I found it difficult to
       primary school and a family                                                                                                  be  trapped  at  home  and  this
       fun day at the scout hut, as
       well as attempting to post a                                                                                                 made  me  even  more  aware  of
       copy   of   Johns   gospel
       through  every  door  in  the                                                        those who were also stuck at home,
       village.   This   event,   in                                                        often alone, without anyone to keep
       particular,  went  well,  and                                                        them  sane.  So,  I  decided  to  find
       the  turnout  exceeded  our                                                          ways to interact with residents within
                                                                                            the Parish. We played games on our
       expectations,  so  thank  you                                                        phones/iPads  like  “Words  with
       to  all  who  came  and                                                              Friends” – basically Scrabble over the
       enjoyed themselves.                                                                  internet!  As  well  as  arranging  a
                                                                                            soci ally  di stanced  VE  Day
                                                                                            celebration  in  which  everyone  sat
                                                                                            out  on  their  front  lawns  with
                                                                                            afternoon tea.
                                                                                            Because I was shielding, I had more time on my hands than I ever have! I had just
                                                                                            learnt  to  embroider  in  January  2020  with  a  kit  I  had  treated  myself  to  after
                                                                                            completing my apprenticeship! It became apparent to me, that like myself, lots of
                                                                                            others  were  struggling  with  this  whole  not  being  allowed  to  leave  the  house

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