Page 10 - br-aug-2022
P. 10

August 2022                          August 2022

 So,  we  decided  to  buy  some  material  and

 thread,  we  did  a  leaflet  drop  in  the  parish
 and  put  posters  up  around  the  village  and
 hoped  that  we’d  get  at  least  a  few  to
 The  idea,  to  take  a  12cmx12cm  square  of
 fabric  and  to  embroider  something  that
 made  us  think  of  our  parish  and  our
 community  that  I  could  sew  together  and
 create a collage of embroidered squares to
 represent this time!

 A huge surprise to me, we had such an intake that we ran out of material and
 had to get some more!!
 We ended up with 37 embroidered squares. From novices to professionals people
 created unique and amazing pictures with a whole wealth of stories behind them.

 Some  of  my  favourites:  An  interpretation  of  the  Village  Shop  by  a  first-time
 embroiderer, the shop worked so hard through the multiple lockdowns to provide
 for  the  parish  and  minimise  the  need  to  go  to  supermarkets.  A  reminder  of  the
 weekly Thursday night clap for the NHS with a picture of Campbells bagpipes.
 The  two  Lily  of the  Valley  were  embroidered  by  first time  embroiders who were
 also  neighbours.  They  sat  in  their  front  gardens  socially  distanced  and
 embroidered  these  together.  They
 represent  the  small  escapism  this
 project  enabled  so  many  people  to
 achieve from the Pandemic.
 A  picture  of  the  Dairy  ring,  with  the
 grass  mowed  to  spell  out  NHS  in
 honour  of  the  clap  on  a  Thursday
 night for all the essential workers.

 An  embroidery  representing  the
 memorial  at  the  bottom  of  Bladen
 Valley  from  the  VE  Day  event.  And
 beautiful pictures of the many flowers,
 insects  and  animals  we  see  in  the
 parish.  The last square lists the names
 of all those who took part.
 I  am  so  proud  of  all  the  Parish
 achieved  during  this  time  and  how
 we  came  together  to  help  our
 neighbours  get  through  what  turned

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