Page 9 - br-aug-2022
P. 9

August 2022                                                                          August 2022

       site is owned by Great Wood Trust who bought it off Scripture Union who still run    out  to  be  2  years  of  lockdowns  and  isolations  and  I  hope  this  collage  which  is
       the  summer  camps.  The  LEA  also  run  camps  during  term  time.  We  believe    going to be displayed in the village hall will serve as a reminder for all of us.
       thousands of people have been brought to Christianity at this camp. But, for the
       benefit of those children who cannot find the funds for a camp (about £280 for a     The  embroidery  is  now  framed  and  we  will  be  celebrating  the  hanging  in  the
       one week camp) I am trying to set up a bursary – The Talent Lake Bursary. I have     village hall on Sunday 31  July at 3.00pm with a cream tea. Tickets are £5 which is
       so far submitted £50 to the Great Wood Trust, who have added the balance and         going  to  contribute  to  the  cost  of  the  framing.  If  you  didn’t  make  it  to  the
       have given a free place to a lucky child. Three of our village folk helped me but I   afternoon tea make sure you pop in on a Saturday morning during coffee shop
       am hoping to find ways of raising further funds for more places this year and in the   and have a look.
       future. What do you think?                                                                                                                     Amelia Chorley
                                                                   Mike Menzies
                                                                                            BLADEN WOMEN’S INSTITUTE

                                                                                            This  photo  of  the  Bladen  W.I.  was  taken  outside  the  then  front  entrance  to  the
                                                                                            Village  Hall  sometime  the  1950s I  believe,  but  what  was  the  occasion?  Do  you
                                                                                            recognise any of the members?  A larger copy of the photograph can be viewed
                                                                                            any Saturday at the Coffee Shop, Briantspuddle Village Hall between 10am and
                                                                                            12 noon.
                                                                                            If you have any information about the occasion or can fit names to faces please
                                                                                            let me know - or phone 01929 472483.

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