Page 22 - br-aug-2021
P. 22

August 2021                                                                          August 2021

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                       A glimpse of Paradise                    Their tiny wings all shimmering
                                                                                                                                     Like early morning dew.
                                                                                            Looking through the mists of time
       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Through hazy clouds of ages              I could hear oh so clearly

                                                                                            I saw a glimpse of the future            Lovely birdsong to fill the air
       Chairman:            07900 906278         Written on silken pages.                 It sounded like a rhapsody
                  Mathers                                                                                                            Their music was everywhere.
                                                                                            A land where milk and honey flowed
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                                                          Looking through the distant haze
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                                Where everything was serene
                                                                                            Where all the streets were paved with    Floating up where swallow flies
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396076                           gold                                     Through a host of rainbow shades
       Clerk:     Crocker                                                                   ‘neath a sky of aquamarine.              I saw a glimpse of Paradise.

       Websites:               I could see oh so clearly                               Eileen Richardson
                                                                                            Butterflies of every hue
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 8  July 2021, face to face for the first time in
       15 months, for the July Parish Council meeting. Four members of the public were
       present.  The  next  meeting  will  be  at  7pm  on  Thursday  12   August  2021,  at  the
       Drax Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and there is a period for
       public participation at the start.                                                    Changing Seasons                     To see the changing mood of the
                                                                                                                                  The Summer with her vibrant colours
       New Councillor                                                                        I don’t dream about castles in the air   bright;
       The  Council  was  delighted  to  welcome  Glo  Curtis  to fill  the  councillor  vacancy   Or even owning a castle in Spain.   The Autumn with mellow shades of
       that  we  have  held  for  a  few  months.  As  a  life-long  Bere  Regis  resident  with  a   I’m happy tending the garden   brown
       wealth  of  knowledge  and  connections  within  the  area,  we  are  sure  Glo  will   And seeing flowers bloom after the   And sombre Winter with her soft
       quickly become an invaluable member of the group.                                     rain.                                gown of white.

       Village Meeting
                                                                                             Every year I love to see the miracle   No, I’ve no wish to find Eldorado,
       We are planning to hold our annual Village Meeting on Saturday 4  September           Of daffodils and crocus in the early   I don’t need a city built of gold.
       at a venue to be decided shortly. We hope to have representatives from DWT to         Spring;
       discuss the developments at Court Farm, Dorset Council to discuss the Old School      Watching the birds as they build their   I’m contented building a garden to
       Site and the Drax Estate to discuss plans for the development of the Back Lane        nests;                               delight
       and  North  Street  sites,  along  with  updates  from  the  Wildlife  Group  on  their                                    And to enjoy it now, and when I’m
       ongoing work and other areas of the Parish Council. We will also finally be issuing   Looking for the first swallow on the   old.
       our Certificates of Appreciation that have been awarded for efforts over the last     wing.                                                 Eileen Richardson
       18  months.  Refreshments  will  be  provided  and  more  precise  details  will  be
       published in the coming weeks.

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