Page 20 - br-aug-2021
P. 20

August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       Food Waste                                                                           TUNNELS BEACHES, ILFRACOMBE
       The food caddy collection is taken to depot to be bulked up and then goes to
       the  anaerobic  digester  at  Piddlehinton.    This  is  a  top  end  facility  which  feeds
       energy  back  into  the  grid  from  the  process  and  well  as  using  the  spare  heat   Ilfracombe: The healthiest of all watering places, 1867
       generated to supplement the nearby grain store. The end product is a sludge that
       can go back on agricultural land.
                                                                                            Ilfracombe  and  its  baths  are
                                                                                            ideal  for  invalids,  waifs  and
       Batteries                                                                            strays  from  the  heat  of  India,
       We  will  recycle  all  kinds  of  domestic  battery,  but  they  must  be  kept  separate!!   worn  out  clergymen...and  to
       Every  week  somewhere  in  the  country  there is  a  fire  either  in  the  lorries  or  at  a   people, whether young or old,
       plant  because  batteries  have been  put in  with  the  waste.   In particular,  lithium   whose  ailments  arise  mainly
       batteries are lethal as they still have so much energy left in them.                 from  want  of  stamina  and
                                                                                            general lack of tone’

       Collection of Garden Waste                                                           Had  I  made  my  journey  in
                                                                                            1819  when  the  first  of  the
       There  are  a  small  number  areas  of  Dorset  where  it  is  economically  and
       environmentally  beneficial  to  collect  garden  waste  with  the  rubbish.  This  is   tunnels  was  carved  out,  I
       predominantly restricted access areas, where we would have to send a smaller         could  well  have  arrived  by
       dedicated  garden  waste  vehicle  excessive  distances  to  empty  a  customer’s    horse drawn carriage, and my
       garden  waste  bin.  In  these  instances,  all  of  the  garden  waste  collected  with   journey   over   rock   strewn
       rubbish is taken to a treatment facility where the garden waste is composted as      tracks  would  have  involved
       part of the treatment process. Therefore, no garden waste ends up in landfill as     over a full day’s travel.
       was suggested in recent social media posts                                           Ilfracombe  was  then  just  a  small  fishing  village  with  only  five  recorded  visitors.
                                                                                            Later, the coming of the railway enabled affluent tourists of the 1820s and 1830s
       The garden waste material that is collected with the general waste will be sent to   to  visit  it  for  the  benefit  of  their  health.    Perhaps  I  could  have  partaken  of
       a treatment facility. Any organic material is separated and composted as part of     instruction  from  Professor  H  Parker  whose  method  of  teaching  swimming  soon
       this treatment process.
                                                                                                                                  overcame  all  timidity  for  the
       However, each year we review and optimise all garden waste collection rounds.                                              moderate  charge  of  two  shillings  a
       This is predominantly completed to create capacity for new customer growth, but                                            lesson.    His  photograph,  clad  in  a
       we  also  review  all  garden  waste  bins  that  are  collected  with  the  rubbish  and                                  hand-knitted  bathing  costume,  top
       assess  whether  we  can  effectively  and  efficiently  collect  these  bins  with  the                                   hat  and  a  strangely  porcelain  nose-
       dedicated  garden  waste  vehicles.  During  our  last  optimisation  exercise  (winter                                    cover was not reassuring!
       2020) we were able to move a further 80 garden waste bins from rubbish rounds
       onto dedicated garden waste collection rounds.                                                                             As it was, I turned the car into the car
                                                                                                                                  park  opposite  the  Bath  House,  and
                                                                                                                                  strolled across to the tunnels.

       Surgery                                                                                                                    “The tide is covering the pool at the
       We  are  not  (yet)  holding  face  to face  meetings  for  the  moment.  However,  we                                     moment but you can still swim in the
       would  be  more  than  delighted  to  talk  to  you  on  the  telephone  or  via  Zoom.                                    sea” Janet, the lady in the reception
       Please ring or email us with some details so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s                                        kiosk  gently  explained  when  we
       email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is                                              arrived mid-afternoon. The tidal pool  telephone 07814 569563.                                                             is visible for six hours in every twelve,
                                                                                                                                  three hours before low tide and three
                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck                                          hours after it.

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