Page 60 - br-sep-2020
P. 60

September 2020                                                                      September 2020

       through the village to the cemetery, where the service was held.  The church bells
       were rung.  My owner wanted to take me but it was too hot.  We went for a walk       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
       up there the next day it is a lovely  peaceful spot and close to  the field where
       Elaine kept her sheep.  She was a true country woman.                                This  summer  will  be  remembered  for  a  number  of
                                                                                            reasons,  and  perhaps  also  for  the  good  weather,
       I was taken to the war memorial for the short ceremony to mark VJ day.  It was
       raining so there were not very many there.  There were prayers, a two  minutes       which at the time of writing have reached a record
       silence and the bells were rung by four bell ringers.  The first time since lockdown   high.    Many  of  you  know  that  cricket is  one  of  my
       that  more  than  one  person  has  been  able  to  ring.        Apparently  they  were  all   passions (I did manage to play a match), and I am
       masked up and the belfry windows were open.  At times like this it is important not   pleased  that  restrictions  on  playing  team  sport  are
       to forget dreadful things happen in the world and are still happening now.           gradually being eased.  I hope by the time you read
                                                                                            this that more aspects of life, such as amateur music
       At least at the time of writing it is cooler.  We have no County Show or no Steam    making will also be permitted.
       Fair this year.  Still loads of people here on holiday so the roads are busy.    My
       owner gets up early takes me for a walk goes shopping and is back in the Village     Having restrictions in place has been difficult for us
       by ten before holiday makers all get up and are out and about.                       all,  but  the  vast  majority  have  been  sensible  and
                                                                                            used  common  sense,  which  has  meant  that  many  restrictions  have  now  been
       Our  garden  shed is  still full of  rubbish  and  the  house is  untidy  what’s  new.    We   lifted.  The  Government  will  not  be  slow  to  act  if  it  necessary  to  put  in  place
       have had some socially distanced parties outside.  My arthritis is better but I will   further restrictions, but whilst being careful, we must begin to get back to normal.
       always be lame.  We will have to see next month what happens next.
                                                                                            Many  of  you  will  have  enjoyed  taking  advantage  of  the  Eat  Out  to  Help  Out
                                                                    Jenny Stone             Scheme, as have I, whether with a coffee and cake in a café, or a meal out in
                                                                                            the  evening.  It’s  great  that  so  many  local  pubs,  cafés  and  restaurants  have
                                                                                            been able to take advantage of the scheme in so many different places. As life
                                                                                            gets  more back to normal,  it is good to see support for many of our excellent
                                                                                            local businesses.

                                                                                            I have had numerous meetings with councillors across the political spectrum, as
                                                                                            we  continue  to  discuss  cross  party  working  to  support  the  community.  There
                                                                                            have been some excellent community support initiatives during lock down, and I
                                                                                            continue  to  be  impressed  by  the  work  of  so  many  groups  right  across  the
                                                                                            constituency, and I know that there are many unsung heroes working extremely
                                                                                            hard in voluntary roles to help their friends and neighbours.  I want to say thank
                                                                                            you to you all.
                                                                                            I  have  also  visited  several  local  businesses,  tourist  attractions,  charities  and
                                                                                            community  groups  to  discuss  how  they  are  changing  in  response  to  the
                                                                                            coronavirus.  I  have  been  incredibly  impressed  by  how  well  people  have
                                                                                            adapted, in order to keep their business going, and yet still keep people safe.
                                                                                            Whether healthcare settings, children’s entertainment, car repairs, or health and
                                                                                            fitness, everyone is doing their best to stay positive.
                                                                                            I was pleased to meet recently with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team to
                                                                                            discuss  how  they  are  dealing  with  anti-social  behaviour.  The  government  has
                                                                                            awarded an extra £266,000 to Dorset from the safer streets fund which is great
                                                                                            news for our area.
                                                                                              Both  BCP  and  Dorset  Councils  have  been  working  hard  to  manage  the  high

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