Page 58 - br-sep-2020
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September 2020                                                                      September 2020

       IT’S A DOG’S LIFE                                                                    DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT

       MORE HOT DOG DAYS!!!!                                                               Draft Climate and Ecological

       What was I saying last month about it                                               Emergency Strategy
       not  being  hot  enough?    What  was  I
       thinking, I take it back.  It’s been hot                                            This  has  now  been  published,  and  a
       enough this month.  The Tomatoes are                                                target  date  for  carbon  neutrality  set  at
       ripening  fast  and  the  house  stinks  of                                         2040. Dorset Council (DC) has published
       Tomato and Chili chutney.  My owner                                                 the  first  draft  of  their  Climate  and
       has grown magnificent tomatoes ‘Big                                                 Ecological  Emergency  strategy  which  is
       Boys,’  ‘Money  Maker,’  and  Sungold.                                              available online.
       Thanks  to  Andy  Smith  from                                                       Since  the  Council  declared  a  Climate
       Briantspuddle who provided the plants.   It is a pity,  there are no village shows to   and Ecological Emergency back in May
       show chutney’ vegetables and Flower arrangements.  My owner was very taken          2019,  teams  of  councillors and  officers  have  been  working  hard  via  dedicated
       with her special odd shaped Big Boy but he has gone to a chutney pot in heaven      sector Task & Finish groups to devise this strategy, which will provide the direction,
       now.                                                                                scope  and  ambition  of  the  Council’s  action  plan  to  address  climate  change
       Things are starting again.  There is to be a flower club meeting in September but   across Dorset. This strategy brings together a considerable amount of work and
       this has involved a change of venue to Winterborne Whitechurch.  There will be      recommends  areas  for  action  that  will  deliver  a  realistic  and  achievable
       quite  a  bit  of  reorganizing.    The  speaker  on  the  stage,  maximum  of  30  people,   approach  to  ensuring  Dorset  Council  (DC)  is  carbon-neutral  by  2040,  a  full
       socially distanced, wearing masks, sanitizer, cleaning and no refreshments but it   decade ahead of the UK government’s 2050 target for the whole country.
       was felt they must make a start to finding the new normal.  For me, it’s back to    Recommendations from the strategy document include (but are not limited to):
       being left at home alone.

       It has been so hot.  I have been brushed and taken to the stream for a cool off.  If
                                            I  lie  down I can  get  most  of  me  under   Maximise renewable energy opportunities of all DC buildings; convert all off-grid
                                            water.    There  are  lots  of  Mums  and      DC buildings to heat pumps or biomass, convert heating of all on-grid buildings to
                                            children  down  by  the  bridge  in  the       hydrogen-ready hybrid heat pumps, install largest possible capacity solar arrays
                                            Stream.    I  don’t  think  they  like  being   on every building.
                                            disturbed                                      Construct  large  renewable  energy  installation  on  Council-owned  land  to  meet
                                            by  a  hot                                     Council’s demand.
                                            d   o   g
                                            wanting  a                                     Ensure Dorset Council supports sustainable development by prioritising social and
                                            cool   off.                                    environmental well-being as well as economic value.
                                            My    dog
                                            w a l k e r                                    Carry out internal waste audits across our operations and create waste reduction
                                            takes   me                                     plans.
                                            to    Sue                                      Increase  biodiversity  on  identified  areas  of  Council  land  and  increase  area  of
       Steggals garden where I can have exclusive use of                                   Council  owned  or  managed  land  for  ecological  &  carbon  sequestration
       the stream there.                                                                   outcomes.
       At  the  ice  cream  van  I  was  treated  to  ‘old  sock’                          Change  as  many  vehicles  within  Council  fleet  as  possible  to  ultra-low-carbon
       flavour dog Ice cream.  Very nice but I prefer vanilla.                             replacements.  Provide  electric  vehicle  charging  points  and  other  ultra-low-
       That’s my owner’s favourite.  She laughs as she meets                               emission fuel alternatives across the Council property estate.

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