Page 59 - br-sep-2020
P. 59

September 2020                      September 2020

    numbers  of  tourists  to  the  area,  which  are   her friends at the ice cream van.  It’s what passes for human entertainment these
 of course vital to our local economy. I am   days.   I don’t mind I get a walk and ice cream.
 pleased that despite the very high number
 of  visits,  that  the  number  of  infections  of   The  Now  TV  sky  subscription  has  not  been  cancelled  and  she  is  now  watching
 Covid-19  in  Dorset  have  stayed  very  low.   another three test matches against Pakistan.   FIFTEEN DAYS but thankfully it has
 Sadly a number have left a mess after they   rained.  Good it means we don’t have to watch cricket all the time.  There are
 have visited, and I shall certainly be taking   One Day Internationals next month but they only last one day.   Horror of horrors
 part  in  the  Great  British  September  Clean   the Tour de France starts soon and that goes on for three weeks.  Even she cannot
 taking  part  from  11   -27   September.  This   watch that all the time and records it so she can miss commercial breaks and skip
 national  campaign  has  been  postponed   the boring bits.  The daily highlights are the best way to watch it.
 from  March,  and  aims  to  get  as  many   My owner does not cope with the heat either and at night has been in the habit of
 people  involved  as  possible.  See  my   taking chilled bottled water up to bed.  She bought one batch from a discount
 websites for updates closer to the time.
       supermarket  (Lidl  in  Price  I  think)  She  thought  she  was  losing  her  grip  when  she
   If  you  have  an  issue  that  you  need  help   could  not  remove  the  tops  from  the  bottles.    I  had  to  laugh  at  the  sight  of  her
 with, please do get in touch; you can email   standing barefoot in her bedroom wearing a flimsy pale blue frilly nightdress using
 me  on  or  contact  my  office  on  01202   a yellow rusty wrench to remove the tops from a bottle.
       Last  month  I  was  enthusing  about  butterflies  but  its  all  change  this  month.
 You   can   also   follow   what   I’ve   been   doing   on   my   website   Cabbage  white  butterflies  have  visited  the  vegetable  patch.    Monty  Don  on   Twitter   @Michael4mdnp   or   Facebook   Gardener’s World said you should use nets.  We went to the garden centre and   bought canes and pulled the net over flower pots on canes.  The butterflies still got
       in.  My owner did not like picking the caterpillars off the plants.  That was  Monty’s
       other  suggestion.    The  Kale  was  decimated.    Mary  Chamberlain  suggested  an
       organic spray which did work so she knows better than Monty Don.  We are just

       hoping that they will recover.
                                       I was very sad to hear that my very first owner
                                       Elaine Standfield had died.  I will never forget
                                       Elaine.    Even  now  after  over  eleven  years  I
                                       would always give her and Adrian a big dog
                                       waggy welcome if I see them.  Elaine and my
                                       owner’s mum discussed my conception at a
                                       Gardening  club  Committee  meeting  and

                                       Elaine was there when I was born in the back
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT            of the van.
                                       My  owner  was  invited  to  arrange  flowers  for
 Michael Tomlinson MP                 the  funeral  and  there  were  so  many  floral
 holds regular surgeries   tributes the basket coffin looked like a flower
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   bed.  Elaine loved her garden flowers and all
                                       the flowers used were from local gardens and
 details of forthcoming   picked  from  some  of  the  wild  flower
 surgeries or to make an              meadows and arranged by her friends in the
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   Flower  Sanctuary  Guild  and  the  Women’s
 contact his office.
                                       The funeral cortege went from Elaine’s house

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