Page 56 - br-sep-2020
P. 56

September 2020                                                                      September 2020

                                                                                           other  commercial  services,  and  lower  than  anticipated  income  from  business
                                                                                           rates and council tax.

                                                                                           COVID-19 has had a very significant impact on Dorset Council. The Government
                                                                                           urged councils across the country to do “whatever it takes” in response to the
                                                                                           pandemic  and  Dorset  Council  acted  appropriately,  supporting  residents,
                                                                                           communities and businesses through the crisis.
                                                                                           Dorset  Council  has  so  far  received  two  rounds  of  funding  totaling  £21m  from
                                                                                           Government to support the council’s budget pressures as a result of COVID-19.
                                                                                           The  Government  recently  announced  a  third  round  of  £500m  funding  for  local
                                                                                           government in England, but Dorset Council has not yet received the full detail of
                                                                                           its share of this financial support. It will consist of grant funding (Dorset Council will
                                                                                           receive  £2.7m),  an  income  support  scheme  (details  to  be  confirmed),  and
                                                                                           support for collection funds.  However, it is highly unlikely that this will fully address
                                                                                           the current year’s budget gap which is now forecast at £43.1m.
                                                                                           Unless  additional  Government  funding  becomes  available,  Dorset  Council  will
                                                                                           have to manage this forecast budget gap using its reserves. The General Fund
                                                                                           reserve of £28m combined with other previously earmarked reserves are sufficient
                                                                                           to enable the council to continue to operate throughout 2020/21.
                                                                                           While  Dorset  Council  has  sufficient  reserves  to  survive  this  financial  year,  our
                                                                                           overall  financial  position  as  a  result  of  COVID-19  is  of  real  concern.  It  will  be
                                                                                           unsustainable to take this continued level of expenditure into the next financial
                                                                                           year,  2021-22.  However,  we  will  continue  to  explain  the  financial  reality  of  the
                                                                                           situation to government and our local MPs and therby seek additional funding to
                                                                                           reduce the impact.
                                                                                           We will also need to enter into a really challenging budget setting round for next
                                                                                           year and future years. This will identify tactical savings and will involve developing
                                                                                           a transformation programme which enables the
                                                                                           council  to  meet  the  needs  of  Dorset’s  residents
                                                                                           within the funding available.


                                                                                           The  following  statement  was  recently  issued
                                                                                           regarding the IRONMAN 70.3 Weymouth event: -

                                                                                           With  the  health  and  safety  of  our  community
                                                                                           being  an  utmost  priority,  and  after  further
                                                                                           discussions  with  and  direction  from  Weymouth
                                                                                           Town  Council  and  Dorset  Council  in  relation  to
                                                                                           the  COVID-19  pandemic,  we  regret  to  confirm
                                                                                           that  the  IRONMAN  70.3  Weymouth  triathlon

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