Page 57 - br-sep-2020
P. 57

September 2020                      September 2020
 Look at new ways of working to reduce carbon emissions as people move from
 home to work.   Pop In Performers Group
 Encourage  green business  growth  and  tourism  as  Dorset  becomes  the  clean  air   We are really missing all the children and everyone that attends Performers group.
 place to live and visit.
       We really hope that we will be able to start this much loved village group back up
 Tackling the climate emergency will require significant investment at all levels of   again in January 2021 we may possibly look into an outdoor performance during
 society, with Dorset Council needing to invest large sums of money over the next   the summer of next year if things are still restricted.
 20 years to become a Carbon Neutral Council.

 The  Council  has  a  key  role  in  lobbying  government  for  clear  policy  and  the   Please Check out Pop In Place Website  where I will be posting all
 financial  support  needed  as  we  look  to  a  zero-carbon  future.  We  will  work  with   the up to date info about the group.
 partners  to  look  for  support  and  opportunities  for  external  funding,  making  sure
 Dorset gets its fair share.                Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023
 We  will  consult  the  public and  key  stakeholders  in  order  to  gather  views  on  our
 proposed approach as set out in the strategy. We want to know if residents think
 we have this strategy right, have identified the correct areas for action, or whether   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
 any points are missing or need further consideration.
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
 We  intend  to  do  this  later  in  the  year  following  the  development  of  a  costed
 delivery plan. The details within this strategy will be further developed into a set of   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
 clear  actions  to  be  undertaken  by  Dorset  Council.  We  will  use  the  ‘Areas  for   advertising revenue!!
 action’ within the document as a basis for this but will also continue to draw upon
 the actions raised through our ‘Call for ideas’ and ‘Inquiry Day’ sessions earlier this

 This Action Plan will set out our objectives, specific detailed actions, responsibilities,
 timescales  and  performance  measures.  We  will  also  include  details  of  other key   Dorchester
 partners  required  to  help  deliver  these  actions,  the  scale  of  potential  carbon
 savings and the associated co-benefits.                 Framing
 It is vital to recognise that the world has changed dramatically since we declared   Picture and framing service
 a climate emergency over a year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has left Dorset
 Council  with  huge  financial  challenges  that  need  to  be  urgently  addressed.   with a wide selection of
 Balancing  what  we  need  to  do  to  address  climate  change  with  our  legal   mounts and frames.
 requirement to provide statutory services will be a challenge but is key.
                                                    Open most days but best
                                                    call first before making a

 Financial Situation                                      special trip.
 Dorset Council recently outlined its latest financial position, including the impact of
 the  COVID-19  response  on  budgets.  In  summary  the  total  cost  of  the  financial
 impact  of  COVID-19  to  Dorset  Council  is  £60m.  This  is  as  a  result  of  additional   The Old School House
 spending and lost income due to COVID-19:             Tincleton DT2 8QR
 Additional expenditure responding to increased demand for social care for adults   01305 848909
 and children, extra PPE for employees, support for people who were shielding, etc.

 Lost income from suspension of car parking charges, closure of leisure centres and

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