Page 62 - br-sep-2020
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September 2020                                                                      September 2020

        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                                                  OBITUARIES

                                                                                                      Elaine Standfield
       COUNCIL                                                                               Adrian  and  Elaine  wrote  this  eulogy
        The Parish Council meeting on 12th August was once again held remotely in order      Well what happened on 6  December
        to comply with Government social distancing guidance. Until restrictions around      1950  –  it  snowed  enough  that  the
        movement and public gatherings are lifted, the Parish Council will be holding all    ambulance couldn’t get over the hill to
        meetings remotely.                                                                   Chaldon  Herring  to  collect  Magi
                                                                                             Haylock, so they loaded her into a farm

                                                                                             vehicle  and  took  her  to  Dorchester
        Section 137/133 – Grant application deadline 30  September                           hospital, where she gave birth to a girl
                                                                                             they called Elaine.
                                                                                             Elaine’s  father  was  a  game  keeper  so
        In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 137 and section 133,
        the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money in its budget each year which can       from day one there were dogs, first Labrador, Spaniels and Terriers.
        be  applied  for  by  local  organisations  for  projects  which  will  be  of  benefit  to   In 1976 Elaine and Adrian had their first Collie and from then on Elaine always
        residents within the Parish.  The budget set aside from the precept for 2020/ 21 is   had Collies, difficult to be sure who was driving the vehicle at times.
        £400. The deadline for applying for these grants has been extended to the end of
        September. There is further information and an application form available on the     Elaine was not a dolly person, she preferred the boxes they came in, but she
        Briantspuddle Community Website under Council Procedures, Policies, Plans and        had a wooden trolly walker which she pushed everywhere.  It had a cut out
        Registers.    Any  applications  need  to  be  made  by  30   September  and  will  be   pony on it and this started a life time love of horses and Elaine became very
        considered  at  the  October  Parish  Council  Meeting.    Any  awards  will  be  paid   knowledgeable in the care and welfare of horses.
        following the November Parish Council Meeting.
                                                                                             Elaine’s mum was an excellent cook, on coming home from school there was
                                                                                             always a cooked  meal for Elaine which would steam up her glasses, which
                                                                                             would  annoy  her.    On  getting  married  in  1971  there  was  no  way  she  was
        Dog fouling
                                                                                             going to live on Pizza and Mars Bar so, fortunately for Adrian, Elaine became
        Parish  Councillors  have  been  made  aware  of  a                                  an  excellent  cook  at  home  and  made  things  for  the  Garden  club  parties,
        particular  issue  concerning  dog  fouling  along                                   raising  funds  for  the  church  tower  roof  and  fed  the  bishop  doing  a  walk
        footpaths in the parish as well as along verges and                                  staying over in Bere Regis.
        roadsides. Dog fouling laws are in place because
        dog faeces are not only unsightly and unpleasant                                     Cis  Lewis  asked  Elaine  for  help  doing  flower
        but  also  represent  a  serious  health  hazard.  More                              arrangements  for  the  Foresters  Christmas  Carol
        information is available on the Community website                                    Service, this was about the time that she had to give
        under Council Notices but dog owners should be                                       up horses because of asthma.  From that time Elaine
        aware  that  the  Clean  Neighbourhoods  and                                         took  lessons  and  did  flower  arranging  in  the church
        Environment Act 2005 allows local authorities and                                    for  many  years  with  the  help  of  her  many  good
        communities  to  create  bylaws  relating  to  dog                                   friends,  putting  on  Flower  and  Quilt  Festivals  in  the
                                                                                             church,  one  of  these  raised  £5000  shared  between
                                                                                             Fortunes  Well,  Dorset  cancer  Centre  Poole  and
       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:                           Cancer Research.

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