Page 64 - br-sep-2020
P. 64

September 2020                                                                      September 2020

                                                                                           of plunging over the edge into the unknown waters below, that were moving on
                                                                                           to the sea?  Only that persistent and beautiful duck knew why it was doing what it
                                                                                           was doing.

                                                                                           Perhaps our lives can sometimes seem a bit like that duck, circumstances interrupt
                                                                                           what we want to do.  We try to carry on but we are carried unwillingly forward
                                                                                           until there is a decision to be made, either retreat or we slip into unknown territory.
                                                                                           The  restrictions  that  ‘covid’  has  put  on  us  has  affected  us  in  that  way,  and  still
                                                                                           does, carrying us on into the unknown.  We can be fearful of the unknown, but it
                                                                                           can also open up new and unexpected opportunities.  However we feel about
                                                                                           the future keep in mind that the future is not unknown to God.  He wants us to trust
                                                                                           our lives to Him and let Him take care of the future.  There is a hymn which puts this
                                                                                           very well, here is the first verse.

                                                                                                        I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see
                                                                                                   Yet One stands near to be my guide, He will show the way to me.
                                                                                           May God bless each one of you at all times in these uncertain days.
                                                                                           “God will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him, whose thoughts turn
                                                                                           often to the Lord. Trust in the Lord  God always, for in Him is your everlasting
                                                                                           strength.”  Isaiah 26:3-4 (Living Bible)

                                                                                           Just a smile
                                                                                           It was a foggy night and little Jane knew that her father would be late home.  At
                                                                                           bedtime, as she was saying her prayers, she asked “And God, please bring daddy
                                                                                           safely home through the fog.”  Just then the front door opened and her daddy
                                                                                           called up the stairs, “Hallo everyone, it’s me.”  Jane opened her eyes for a minute
                                                                                           then closed them again. “Thank you God”, she said, “that was really quick.”
                                                                                           Young Kenneth was very keen to have a baby brother or sister.  He kept asking his
                                                                                           mother why they couldn’t get one, after all, his pal’s mother got one.  His Mum
                                                                                           explained that they could not afford one at present, but perhaps later.  One day
                                                                                           Kenneth came home from school very excited.  “Come on Mum,” he cried,
                                                                                           “there’s a notice outside the church hall.  All welcome – children half price!”

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